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HomeLifestyle5 New Year Resolutions That Can Make Your Relationship More Exciting

5 New Year Resolutions That Can Make Your Relationship More Exciting

With 2023 soon coming to an end, people will aim to start their next year with new goals and fresh perspectives. From new gym targets to travel goals, people will likely be introducing some changes in their lives. What many do not consider is that balancing our relationships is also one of the key factors that influence our happiness. A stable relationship built on trust and understanding is the foundation of a happy and fulfilling life.

However, in the modern era’s hustle, emotional intimacy has taken a backseat. This often leads to a disconnection between us and our partners, extinguishing the sparks that we once saw in the initial stages of the relationship. Well, that gaping hole can be filled by infusing your lives with new flavours of activities and resolutions.

Let’s take a look at some of them:

  1. Spending quality time: It is very important to make sure that your partner gets your undivided attention, especially in the modern age of digital distraction. Make efforts to spend more time with your partner while balancing your work life. Going out for dinner or films is one of the easiest ways to maintain emotional intimacy.
  2. Be more intimate: A relationship cannot be interesting if it is not intimate. A romantic connection requires intimate encounters which could include experimenting with new techniques, sharing new desires or maybe surprising your partner in the bed. Just remember that you will have to be more open about your needs to keep your relationship exciting.
  3. Exploring new activities: The best way to spice up your relationship is by experimenting. Start exploring your interests alongside your partner. Find suitable activities that can help renew the missing spark in the relationship. This list of activities may include intimate dinners, going out for films or on an escape vacation. Things don’t necessarily have to be planned. Spontaneity can make your relationship more interesting.
  4. Set relationship goals: Just like your career, relationships also need to evolve. You need to find different ways of keeping your partner happy. Jot down all the things that you would like to do together be it raising children, buying a house or settling someplace far away from the hustle and bustle of the digital world. Discuss it thoroughly to make sure that you are on the same page and then make efforts to fulfil them together.
  5. Being honest with your feelings: Communication is one of the more important pillars that holds a relationship together. You must communicate about your likes and dislikes clearly with your partner. Be honest with your opinions while expressing yourself constructively. You must also listen to what your partner has to say. Make frequent check-ins to discuss the problems and the changes you would like to bring together.


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