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HomeLifestyleHealthStruggling With Cold And Cough This Winter Season? Try This Concoction

Struggling With Cold And Cough This Winter Season? Try This Concoction

As the winter season is reaching its peak in the country, especially in North India, the problems of cough and cold are also rising. People are easily catching a cold, which is leading to a sore throat, fever, and extreme fatigue. The winter season comes with chilly winds, and it becomes quite easy to catch a cold and suffer from a cough. It’s thus quite important for people to take proper care of health and consume food that provides warmth to the body. People should try remedies that can help them treat cold and cough at home easily. One such remedy is a kashayam, which is a kadha or concoction. They are usually made using homemade remedies and provide a lot of relief to the body. This special concoction is made using just three basic foods that are easily found at home. Let’s take a look at this remedy:

This special kind of kadha that is common to treat cold and cough is the one using basil, ginger, and honey. These ingredients are easily found at home and play a great role in treating coughs and colds in the winter. The main ingredients are three spoons of honey, a handful of basil leaves, a piece of ginger, and warm water.


Start by grinding the ginger well, and then take out its juice. After that, crush the basil leaves well and squeeze their juice. The juice comes out better if you squeeze it with a cotton cloth. When both the juices are taken out, mix them well together. Then, add three spoons of honey to it and mix them well. In order to liquify it more, add warm water to it to balance the taste.

This concoction can be easily consumed by people of any age group. It can also be given to children who are 1 year old. It’s just that the quantity should be in check. They can be given half a spoonful of the kadha. Children ages 2 to 5 can take one full spoon of it. Children over 8 years old can consume two spoons of the kadha.

Teenagers can drink a glass of it, while adults can consume two glasses of it per day. If anyone has a chronic health disease, then they should consult their doctors before consuming it.



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