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HomeLifestylePractical Advice for New Parents You'll Use Every Day

Practical Advice for New Parents You’ll Use Every Day

Parenting is hard, but most of the time, new parents feel as if they have to live up to certain expectations. First of all, social media is a lie. Those perfectly posed photos are a hoax. Most of the time, parenting is messy. If you go into this new chapter of your life with open eyes, you’re much more likely to enjoy it. Here’s some sage advice for new parents to help avoid the hurdles that the rest of us had to clear.

Advice for First-Time Parents to Make Your Journey Easier

One of the most frustrating parts of parenting is that by the time you figure everything out, that phase of your child’s life is over, and the both of you are on to the next challenge. These simple pieces of advice can make your parenting journey a little less stressful and a lot more enjoyable.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

We all want to be the perfect parent. Sadly, that doesn’t exist. The good news is that you can get pretty close when you strategize your parenting duties! Here are some easy things you can try to make your life a little simpler with a new baby:

  • Buy puppy pads, especially with boys. That changing table is going to get dirty, regularly. You can use puppy pads or disposable changing pads at home and on the go. They can be reused until those messy moments when you can easily throw them away!
  • Use the dishwasher as much as possible. Hand washing can be time consuming. Think about buying dishwasher-safe bottles, snack containers, bowls, and spoons and turn on a steam sanitize cycle.
  • Invest a waterproof mattress cover and extra bed sheets. Spit up is inevitable. So is poop and pee. Save yourself a headache in the middle of the night and make cleanup easier by protecting your mattress.
  • Pump your milk directly into the storage bags. Many brands of breast pumps make bags that attach directly to the flanges. This makes the transition to the fridge simple, and it eliminates your cleanup after every pump.
  • Tummy time is good for your baby, and for you. By doing tummy time daily, you can help your child reach milestones on time, if not early, and you can make sure they sleep well at nap and bedtimes!

Say Yes to Help, and No to Everything Else

Does someone want to drop off dinner? Or come hold the new baby? Take advantage of this time! Let people know you may not be in the mood to socialize, but you would love the time to take a shower or nap. However, if you’re not up for visitors, don’t feel guilty about saying no. Giving birth is rough. Prioritize your needs and your baby’s needs above all else. You’ll get in a rhythm with time and then you can start hosting people once again.

Be Ready for Tears, From Both the Baby and You

In the first few weeks following birth, your hormones will be all over the place. It’s normal to get emotional. This is especially true for the parents who find that their little one’s sleep schedules are slightly skewed from the norm. More importantly, babies cry a lot. This is how they communicate with you. It is normal. Go in with the expectation that there will be a lot of tears in the first few months, but it will diminish at some point!

Live in the Moment: You’ll Never Get It Back

That beautiful baby is going to change in the blink of an eye. Don’t miss it. Put off the unnecessary tasks in your day and enjoy the little time you have with your little one. They will be big before you know it. Take pictures and videos, and make sure to back them up on a flash drive!

Let Go of Perfection and Embrace the Chaos

Children bring chaos. There will be countless bottles in the sink, more loads of laundry than you could have ever imagined, and messes will accumulate. This is a part of parenting. One day, in the far off future, your house will be quiet and clean once again and you will miss the mess. In the meantime, try to embrace it. Do what needs to be done, but focus on what matters – enjoying time with your sweet baby.

Do These 3 Things Every Day When You Have a New Baby

Postpartum depression, anxiety, and stress are real things that impact a large percentage of new moms. Don’t let these feelings get the best of you. How do you do this?

  1. Soak in Some Sunshine: Spend 30 minutes outside every day. The big boost of Vitamin D, the feeling of the breeze on your face, and the beauty of nature can help you to de-stress and breathe a little better.
  2. Shower: Part of being a good parent is remembering that even though you are now responsible for this little human, you still matter. Your well-being matters. If you are not in a good spot, then you cannot effectively take care of your baby. Take a shower, brush your teeth, take the time to moisturize. You don’t need to look like a runway model, but take the time to exercise self-care.
  3. Savor Some Food: You need fuel to function. Eat some color and protein every day. These are proven to bolster your mental health.

Legit, Sleep When the Baby Sleeps

Once your baby comes, you will never sleep the same again. Even if you have an angel baby, illness happens. Regressions happen. And someday, early daycare or school drop offs will enter your life. If your sweet baby is sleeping, put off everything unnecessary and take a nap! You’ll thank yourself later, probably around 3AM.

Take Regular Breaks

Babies are the most wonderful additions to our lives. However, they can be a lot. Take a break at least once a day from your baby. Have your significant other tag in so that you can detox mentally. Or, ask for help from friends or family members. We all want to do it all, but we can’t. Don’t let frustrations and exhaustion bottle up to a breaking point – prioritize your physical and mental well-being.



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