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HomeLifestyleNew Mom? 5 Must-Know Tips To Enhance Breast Milk Production

New Mom? 5 Must-Know Tips To Enhance Breast Milk Production

Breastfeeding offers numerous health benefits for infants, including essential nutrition and enhanced immune support. However, it doesn’t always come easily for every mother. It’s common for new moms to face challenges when starting their breastfeeding journey, and many worry about whether they’re producing enough milk to adequately nourish their babies.

A new mother needs just as much care after delivery as she does before. Several factors can influence breast milk production, including diet, sleep, mental health, and specific lifestyle choices. According to the National Institute of Health, milk production is also affected by how effectively the baby latches onto the mother’s nipple.

Having said that, let us explore some ways new mothers can increase their breast milk production-

Follow a healthy diet

It takes a lot of energy to breastfeed and produce breast milk. Therefore, new mothers require a balanced and nutritious diet including a healthy supply of protein and iron. Select meals that are high in vegetables and fruits, whole grains like brown rice, foods high in omega-3 fatty acids like flaxseeds and salmon and vegetable protein.

Keep yourself hydrated

As mentioned in the American Pregnancy Association, breast milk is made up of 90 per cent water, therefore hydration becomes key for new mothers. If you’re feeling dizzy or have a headache or dry mouth, these are the signs that you’re not drinking enough water.

Use Natural Herbs

Adding drinks made of natural herbs like Fenugreek (Methi) and Fennel Seeds (Sauf) could be another best way to increase the breast milk supply. Fenugreek is part of galactagogues, a category of foods that are known to boost lactation. Additionally, Methi is rich in mineral content and can provide sufficient iron to new moms.

Get proper sleep

Getting an adequate amount of sleep is another easiest way to increase milk production in new moms. Lack of sleep can negatively impact health and milk production. New mothers must obtain as much restorative sleep as possible. Pro tip: take naps during the day while the baby sleeps.

Avoid smoking and alcohol

As per the National Institute of Health, nicotine present in tobacco can reduce prolactin, a hormone that encourages breast milk production. Excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with the milk ejection reflex, shorten the breastfeeding duration and affect the infant’s overall health.



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