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HomeLifestyleAre you in a Happy Relationship?

Are you in a Happy Relationship?

When you are in love with somebody, being in a relationship with that person may seem like all that you want to keep you happy. Once you get into a relationship with that person, the first few days seem magical. At first, the person will seem like the most thoughtful, attractive and understanding person. With some time, however, the relationship shine wears off. Now that you feel secure in the relationship, you stop impressing each other or being your best when you are together. Not all relationships are meant to last. Do you think you are in a happy relationship that will last? Let’s put your relationship to test.

Do you Enjoy Time Together?

Are you each other’s personal favourite when it comes to spending time together? Do you jump up with joy every time your partner calls you out for a date? If you answer in affirmative, you are in a happy relationship, however, it is important to keep this going. While there are some couples, who spend time together out of the fear of being alone, there are others, who spend time together because they enjoy being together. What category do you belong to? Also, if you have mutual friends and similar interests, you will not be dependent on each other for enjoyment, which is a sign of a healthy and happy relationship.

How much do you Trust your Partner?

Do you trust your partner so much that you are sure he/she wouldn’t question the integrity of your trust? Do you each think that you can mess up, disappoint each other or emotionally hurt each other with an open heart without affecting the love that you have for each other? The level of trust that you have in a relationship is important to keep the relationship going. When trying to answer the questions above, if you think twice before answering, it is perhaps time that you work on improving your relationship.

How Warm and Caring is your Sexual Relationship?

Are you free with your partner enough that you can freely talk about all the things that can bring sexual pleasure to you? Are you sexually spontaneous? If your partner doesn’t sexually arouse your instantly upon the slightest touch, your mind is probably reviewing better options. Does your partner force you to engage in sexual activities that you are uncomfortable with? If he/she does force you to do something you don’t want to, try to get things straight verbally and if he/she still continues, it is perhaps time to review your relationship.

A healthy relationship is significant of understanding, trust and lots of care. If, however, you love your partner, do not expect him/her to love you back just as you do. Understand that every person has his/her own way of expressing love.



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