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HomeLifestyleBegin Your Swimming Lessons With These Exercises That Are Fit For Amateurs

Begin Your Swimming Lessons With These Exercises That Are Fit For Amateurs

Starting swimming lessons can be an exciting yet daunting experience. Whether you’re learning to swim for fitness, safety, or recreation, mastering the basics is essential.

Here are some beginner exercises to help you build confidence and technique in the water.

Water comfort and breath control

Before diving into strokes and techniques, it’s crucial to get comfortable in the water and learn proper breath control.

Water familiarisation

Start by spending time in the shallow end of the pool. Walk around, splash water on your face, and practice submerging your head. This helps you get used to the water environment.

Breath control

Practice blowing bubbles in the water. Take a deep breath, submerge your face, and exhale slowly through your nose and mouth. This exercise helps you get comfortable with breath control and is essential for all swimming strokes.

Floating exercises

Learning to float is a fundamental skill that provides the foundation for all swimming techniques.

Front float

In shallow water, stretch your arms forward and gently push off from the pool floor to float on your stomach. Keep your body relaxed and face in the water, practicing breath control. Use a kickboard if necessary for added support.

Back float

Lie back in the water with your arms outstretched and legs straight. Keep your head back, ears in the water, and relax your body. This position helps you learn balance and buoyancy.

Kicking drills

Strong, efficient kicks are vital for propulsion in swimming.

Flutter kicks

Hold onto the pool edge or a kickboard, extend your body, and perform rapid up-and-down kicks with your legs. Keep your legs straight and kick from the hips, not the knees. This drill helps develop leg strength and coordination.

Scissor kicks

While floating on your back, alternate your legs in a scissor-like motion. This exercise improves your backstroke kicking technique and overall leg strength.

Arm movement exercises

Proper arm movements are essential for effective swimming strokes.

Freestyle arm circles

Stand in the shallow end and practice freestyle arm movements. Extend one arm forward, pull it back through the water, and repeat with the other arm. Focus on a smooth, continuous motion.

Backstroke arm movements

While floating on your back, practice the backstroke arm movements. Lift one arm out of the water, stretch it overhead, and pull it down through the water, alternating arms.

Basic strokes practice

Putting it all together, practice basic strokes in a simple, coordinated manner.

Freestyle front crawl

Combine flutter kicks with freestyle arm movements. Start with short distances, focusing on maintaining a horizontal body position and rhythmic breathing.


Combine scissor kicks with backstroke arm movements. Keep your body flat on the water surface and use a steady, alternating arm motion.



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