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HomeLifestyleBest Romantic Evening Ideas for At Home or a Night Out

Best Romantic Evening Ideas for At Home or a Night Out

Whether you’re new to dating or have been married for years, there comes a time when you’ve exhausted every idea for a romantic evening and you need a few new ones to keep things fresh and exciting. Daily commitments can easily force you to push romance aside, but planning a romantic night at home or out on the town can be stress-free with the right setting and a little inspiration. All you need are some romantic evening ideas to help you create the perfect night. Discover some of the best ways to spend time together and connect in an intimate way to help you fall in love with your partner all over again.

Plan a Romantic Evening at Home

A quiet night at home might be just the ticket to a memorable interlude. You can keep it simple, or you might choose to spend money on a few extravagances to help you pull off the best romantic evening. From prepping your favorite dinner for two or watching an emotional film in a cozy setup, there’s no limit to the ways that you can create a romantic night at home and make your partner feel loved. Planning a romantic night can also set the mood to ask your partner intimate questions and get even closer as a couple.

Make Dinner for Two

A romantic dinner is always popular and very effective at creating an intimate night in. You can cook your partner’s favorite meal, or have the meal catered and brought to you. Setting the mood is equally important as the meal you prepare, so plan on some candlelight and maybe bring home some roses to scent the air. Be prepared with some romantic conversation starters or sweet and romantic things to say to make the night in even more memorable.

Host a Charcuterie Competition

If you’re not in the mood to craft an entire spread and you love a good old-fashioned competition, challenge your partner to building the perfect charcuterie board. Whether you like to stick with a theme or want to limit yourselves to only what’s already in your pantry, a friendly competition can be a raucous way to spend date night after a boring day at work. Laugh it up with fun questions to ask your lover as the two of you compete too.

Slow Dance to Your Favorite Love Songs

If you want to live it up old-school, gather all of your CDs to make the ultimate love song disc. Or, put that Apple Music or Spotify subscription to good use and establish a beautiful romantic setting with your carefully constructed playlist. Choose songs that remind you of your sweetie, as well as of all the special moments you’ve shared together. Play it at a low volume, light candles around your living room, dim the lights, and hold your love in your arms for as long as you can.

Plan a Romantic Movie Night

Planning a romantic night with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse doesn’t have to be complicated. If you don’t have time to cook dinner or plan a playlist in advance, you can still have a romantic evening. For a more casual time, make some popcorn and watch movies at home. Or, for a fun twist, pick up a meal to watch with the movie that your partner loves. Whether it’s her favorite sushi or his most-preferred takeout, the fact that you thought about your person will help create sweet moments together even without a lot of planning. Save the action films or sad dramas for another time; opt for top date night movies or romantic comedies for your special evening.

Relax by the Fire

If you have a fireplace, get a fire going and cuddle up together on a blanket by the fire. Since everything is better with a snack or two, feed each other some chocolates or fruit, and simply enjoy being in each other’s presence. Enhance the romantic setup for him or her with favorite beverages or a dessert for two to add sparks to your night in. Keep in mind that spending too much time in front of the fire will make both of you sleepy, so if you’ve picked out the best pillows in the house to spend an evening in the living room, make sure to turn on a couple of alarms just in case.

Plan a Personalized Wine and Cheese Tasting

If you and your significant other are wine lovers, it’s easy to plan your intimate night in. Head out to the store and buy some of your favorite wines, as well as some new ones you’ve wanted to try. While you’re at it, you might as well pass by the grocery store and buy a variety of cheeses. At home, drape a tablecloth on your kitchen table, set up some candles, play some soft romantic music, and sample the different wines and cheeses you picked up earlier.

Recreate Your Teenage Photos

Once you’ve downed some liquid courage, a hilarious way to spend the evening at home with your favorite person is finding the cringiest photographs from your teenage relationships and recreating them together. First dates, high school dances, and everything else you can dig up is worth a second glance. If only you’d second-guessed the roll-on body glitter and butterfly clips in your early 2000s prom outfit.

Create an Intimate Backyard Getaway

During the spring and summer nights, it’s always nice to step outside to look at the stars, listen to the wildlife, and just take a moment to realize that it’s just the two of you in this great big world. You can enhance this experience by putting up some tiki torches, lighting candles, or making a fire in a fire pit. Bring a portable speaker outside to play love songs and add some flowers to your deck or patio to add to the romantic setting for your sweetheart.

Break a Sweat with a ’90s-Inspired Rave

Break out the blacklights, your best speaker, and brightest clothes in your closet because the ’90s called, and it’s time for a rave. Whether you and your partner partied it up together as diligent ravers or this is your first chance to live the candy-colored magic, an at-home DIY rave is the perfect place to let loose. Hosting at home means that you don’t have to fight with the DJ to hear your favorite songs and you get to hog the best dance partner all night long.

Take a Shower or Bath Together

If you’re lucky enough to have a large bathtub or walk-in shower, schedule a romantic shower night the two of you can share. Whether it’s after a long work week or coming up on your annual date night, hopping into a warm bath can help you and your sweetheart reconnect and relax. Mother Nature’ll also give you bonus points for helping her out by conserving a ton of water. To set the mood for an intimate evening, make sure to:

  • Swap out the typical bubble bath for your favorite bubbly on-hand
  • Turn up the romance with an array of aromatic candles
  • Connect to a music playlist full of soft, lilting tunes to soothe your stress away.

Connect Through Massage

If you’ve asked yourself how to plan a romantic night in the bedroom but you don’t want to pay for expensive equipment, then an oily massage is the way to go. Everyone likes to receive a massage, but many people skip over this experience during intimate moments. That’s why it’s a good romantic evening idea to make massage the focus. Set up the bedroom with music and proper lighting, and have some massage oils available, so that you can enjoy this sensual and relaxing experience with your partner. If you’re not sure how to give a massage to your partner, look up tips on techniques or watch beginner tutorials together as part of your evening.

Recreate the Honeymoon Suite

Just because it’s been years since your honeymoon doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have the same mythic romantic nights for two that you did when you were first married. For example, you can throw rose petals all over the bed and on the floor, fill the room with candles, and put a bottle of champagne on ice. Turn on your speaker, and put on a few love songs. Now you’re ready to celebrate the love you have for one another with the same gusto you did all those years ago.

Build a Pillow Fort for Two

Reignite that puppy love feeling by instigating a playful night of romance at home. Grab all of the pillows and blankets you can find, and create a cozy pillow fort for just the two of you. Take your favorite snacks and flashlights, and climb on in! Perfect for those days when you just want to shut the world out, a pillow fort may be just the thing you and your partner need to really unwind and connect.

Find Simple Romantic Ways to Just Relax

You can put a lot of work into a romantic evening, but you don’t always have to. Just lay down on the bed or the couch together, listen to music, talk, cuddle, or read poetry together. Take turns asking one another fun relationship questions or Would You Rather questions for couples. Despite the onslaught of ideas for a romantic night in posted online that can take hours to put together, just being near each other is often romantic enough, even if you don’t plan anything extravagant.

Plan a Romantic Night in the Bedroom Together

Whether you’re going to end the evening in the bedroom or spend your whole night in your favorite relaxing space, you can easily plan an intimate time together. Hint at your plans by sending a sweet love note to your partner ahead of time. Have a few simple activities that set the stage for romance, such as romantic couples games, looking through old photos of the two of you as a couple, or browsing ideas for your dream vacation destination. Set the mood with scented candles, luxury sheets, and soft music. Consider splurging on champagne and strawberries, wine and dark chocolate truffles, or another romantic treat. Compliment your partner and remind him or her of all the things you love about them.

Romantic Night Ideas for Going Out

A romantic evening out can include a grand gesture like going to an expensive hotel, but you might also choose someplace simple and cozy to spend some quality time together. And if you’re the crafty type, you can turn your bi-weekly or monthly nights out into an annually updated checklist. That way, you’re never scrambling for ways to plan a romantic night with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or anyone in between.

Go on a Sunset Hike

In the summer months when the sun goes down later in the day, take your partner on a hike with wonderful views of the sunset. If there’s time, pack a bag with picnic items so you can relax once you get to your sunset destination.

Take a Local Getaway

Sometimes the best way to relax is to change your scenery. Staying in a hotel for an evening or a weekend provides a great way to forget your problems and focus on yourself and your partner. You don’t need to travel very far. For an enhanced romantic experience, stay at a nice bed and breakfast or find a local hotel room that has a Jacuzzi tub. Sometimes the best romantic getaways are in your own backyard.

Blind Date With a Book Twist

If you’ve ever participated in a blind date with a book, then you know how exciting it can be not knowing what you’re going to uncover. You can put a date night spin on it and head to your local bookstore with the intention of picking out each other’s next big read. You can put parameters on the types of books, or make a list of what the other person is looking for. Either way, sometimes the person who knows your taste best isn’t actually you.

Rent a Limo

Limos are for more than just prom and wedding nights. You can celebrate an anniversary or a birthday with a limo as well. Since the limo will be the focus of your evening, you’ll be able to really enjoy the ride.

Play Fast Food Roulette

Thanks to foodie developers out there, there are tons of apps that let you spin the wheel on the restaurants in your area. Play a little fast food roulette for your next evening out and pick up your main course, sides, drinks, and desserts from each of the different restaurants that come up. Best part? The only thing required is that you come hungry.

Go for a Walk in a Romantic Setting

Walking, or just being outdoors in general, can be surprisingly romantic. The key is picking the right time and place. Near sunset is probably the most romantic. The beach is a great place to walk, but a park or local neighborhoods are good as well.

Visit a Coffee Shop

Instead of going to the regular chain coffee shops, find a local and unique shop in your area. Some places will even have live music on Friday or Saturday nights for the two of you to enjoy. The low-fi music and warm espresso smell will make you and your partner relax into each other and enjoy the conversation that much more.

Dress Up and Go Out

You and your sweetheart probably go out on the town frequently, but how often do you really dress up? Putting on your finest clothes can spice up the same old hangouts. Add to the adventure by trying a new restaurant or doing something new like viewing an opera.

Go on a Luxury Joyride

Rent a luxurious car, maybe one with a convertible top, and plan a route that has beautiful views. During the fall, you can take a ride to see the colors of the changing leaves. In the winter, you can drive to see snow-capped mountains. In the spring, you can visit meadows of wildflowers or botanical gardens, and in the summer months, take a cruise along the beachfront.

Try Them All and Taste the Romantic Rainbow

Variety is the spice of life, so use it to spice up your love life too. Break out of your comfort zone and try something new with your sweetheart. It doesn’t matter which ideas for a romantic evening pique your interest, so long as you commit to planning a night and following it through. Whether it’s taking a romantic shower or enjoying a camping night for two, you’ll both have fun, and it will keep your relationship going strong for years to come. Now, get some tips on romantic birthday ideas for couples so you can plan something extra special on your sweetheart’s special day.



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