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Child Pose To Downward-facing Dog, 4 Yoga Asanas To Get Rid Of Hunchback

Most schools and desk jobs force people to sit on a chair for long periods. Working long hours at a stretch can result in severe back problems. After sitting for long hours, people face lower back pain and stiffness in their back muscles. These are some of the common problems that people face. The pain can cause a lot of discomfort and can affect performance and productivity. With time, people start to hunch their backs, which gives their bodies a distorted look.

People with hunchbacks have to make frequent visits to the doctor, leaving a big hole in their pockets. However, certain stretches and exercises can help people with the problem of hunching their backs. Staying physically active may be the most effective way to alleviate or prevent back problems that can prevent hunching. These yoga asanas help recover from hunchback:

Child Pose

Child Pose is one of the best yoga asanas that helps people with hunchbacks. The asana begins by placing the hands directly under the shoulders and bending your knees below the hips. After that, people have to extend their arms out in front of them as they gently tuck their hips into their heels. In the end, people should keep their foreheads on the floor and stretch their arms wide. They are required to stay in this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Cat-Cow Pose

Another yoga pose that helps with hunchback is the cat-cow pose. Start by kneeling on the floor and putting your hands on the floor in front of you. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart and your knees directly below your hips. Then, inhale deeply while curving your lower back and bringing your head up, tilting your pelvis up like a ‘cow.’ While exhaling deeply, bring your abdomen in, arching your spine, and bringing your head and pelvis down like a ‘cat’.

Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose helps stretch the back by forming an arc. The first step is to lie on the floor with your chest facing downward. Then, push the chest upwards, keeping all the weight on the arms. Keep your arms straight and lift your head slightly with your back slightly arched.

Downward-facing Dog



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