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Dating Manners and Etiquette

Dating is an exciting prospect for anyone. It signals a new beginning; an entry into a new phase of life. However, one small mistake on a first date can make things go terribly awry. The first date sets the tone for the relationship and if you goof up right on the first date then things are probably going to downhill for you! This is where dating manners and etiquettes come into play. Agreed that there are no definite rules and every date is different, however, the following dating manners and etiquettes are pointers that should help you overcome the anxiety involved with dating and make you a pro at the game!

Dating Manners and Etiquettes for Women

Dress Appropriately

This is the thumb rule when it comes to dating manners. You should stay away from cotton shorts if your date is taking you to a high end gourmet restaurant for dinner. You can instead opt for a pretty LBD! Also you should try and wear clothes that you are comfortable in because the last thing you want to spend your evening on is tugging at your dress because you suddenly feel that you are showing too much thigh!

Do not make Him Wait for Eons

It is fashionable to be a few minutes late however, if you take ages to come to the door your date will end up thinking that you do not value his time!

Remember your Etiquettes

It might be a fun bowling date but ladies please remember that etiquettes still come into play. Say ‘thank you’ if he opens the door for you or helps you bowl. He will appreciate the fact that you are noticing his effort.

Be Assertive not Rude

Okay, so you don’t like crabs. Tell him that but politely. He has surely not ordered the crabs with the intention of irritating you. Being polite with one’s date is another dating manner that one should always keep in mind. And the same applies for other requests too. If you are not comfortable with some proposition of his, be firm and say no.

Dating Manners and Etiquettes for Men

Do not Show Off

You might own a Bentley but the last thing that you want to do is brag about it in front of your date. Showing off is a dating etiquette no, no!

Tread the Chivalry Line with Caution

It is perfectly fine if you open the door for your date but if you insist on ordering the food for her then you might want to reconsider. If she insists that you order for her then it is fine; otherwise always be courteous enough to let her decide.

Remember table manners

Your date might be a ‘chilled out gal’ but remember that if you goof up when it comes to table etiquette, most girls are very particular about it. You gal pal might not mind the way you chew but your date will!

Time is of essence

Being on time shows that you are interested in dating the person. If you are constantly late for your meetings then your date might think that you are taking this for granted and relationship problems will crop up.

Respect the boundaries

Cajoling your date in spite of the fact that she is hesitant will only worsen things. If she says ‘no’ then it probably means no. Learn to respect the fact that she might take more time than you to warm up to ideas such as intimacy in a relationship.

Dating manners and etiquettes help a relationship blossom and also ensure that the time spent together by two people is not riddled with problems that arise due to small inconveniences and disagreements.



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