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HomeLifestyleHealthDo These 5 Yoga Asanas Daily To Reduce Bad Cholesterol Levels

Do These 5 Yoga Asanas Daily To Reduce Bad Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is crucial for the body to build healthy cells, and create vitamins and hormones. However, excess cholesterol can be harmful as it may lead to heart ailments. High level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, commonly known as bad cholesterol, is the major reason behind heart attacks. Bad cholesterol levels can be controlled with nutritious food and a physical workout routine.

The practice of Yoga, along with a healthy diet, can help keep bad cholesterol levels in check. Make sure to follow a Yoga routine as it helps in both physical and mental well-being.

Here are a few yoga asanas that can help you in keeping bad cholesterol levels in control.

1. Kapalbhati

This simple Pranayama helps in controlling bad cholesterol and also reduces obesity. This involves breathing techniques. Kapalbhati promotes mental wellness by reducing stress. Kapal means forehead and bhati mean shining. It also stimulates the abdominal organs and improves digestive tract functioning. Sit up straight and take long and deep breaths. Pull the stomach inwards and exhale sharply.

2. Chakrasana

Chakrasana is also known as the Wheel Pose or Urdhva Dhanurasana. This yoga pose improves the functioning of abdominal organs and helps to get rid of constipation. It is also helpful for the functioning of the liver and aids in getting rid of excess fat and cholesterol. Chakrasana helps stimulate the thyroid and pituitary glands too and boosts metabolism. This asana requires only the palms and feet to remain on the ground while the entire body stays in an elevated position.

3. Shalabhasana

Shalabhasana or the locust pose is a yoga asana which is simply the backward bending of the spine. This asana strengthens the back shoulders and arms while stretching the belly. This stimulates the abdominal organs and helps in improving digestion. Lie on your belly with your chin touching the floor. Inhale and lift your legs, head, chest, and arms off of the floor. Press the chest forward and squeeze the legs and buttocks tight.

4. Sarvangasana

Sarvangasana is another yoga posture that requires the balance of the body on the shoulders. It is also referred to as the ‘Queen of Asanas’. With this asana, bad cholesterol can be reduced in the body. In case of issues like hernia, thyroid or cardiac problems, avoid doing this asana. Lift your legs and hips straight up the floor, and shift the entire weight on the shoulders, head and elbows. Keep the legs straight and stable for as long as you can.

5. Paschimottanasana

This is a highly beneficial yoga pose that stimulates the liver and kidneys, reduces obesity and helps in getting rid of excess fat from the tummy area. Sit with your feet straight. Then as you slowly exhale and bend forward while trying to let your nose touch the knees without lifting the legs or bending the knees.



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