Flaxseed paste

The oil helps soften the moles so that they can come out easily. Make a smooth paste by grinding one teaspoon of flaxseeds with half a teaspoon of flaxseed oil and honey. Using a cotton swab, apply this mixture to the mole. Leave for an hour. Repeat thrice a week to get rid of the mole.

Pineapple juice

The citric acid in fresh pineapples helps the mole to come off within a week. To prepare the juice, cut a medium-sized pineapple into small pieces. After blending in a mixer, store in an airtight container and store for a week. Soak a clean cotton ball in the juice and generously apply it to the mole after every two hours.

Apple cider vinegar

The acid content in apple cider vinegar (ACV) helps scrape off the mole when used properly over a period of time. Dilute half a cup of ACV with half a cup of water and store in a container. Before going to bed, dip a cotton ball in this mix and place it over your mole. Secure with a bandage and leave overnight. In the morning, gently massage with some raw coconut oil. Repeat daily for a week or until the mole falls off.

Onion juice

Onion juice can help get rid of the mole and also leave you with no marks and an even skin tone thanks to its acidic properties. Chop a small onion and blend in a mixer along with a few tablespoons of lemon juice. Using a clean cotton pad, apply this juice over the mole. You can also apply it evenly to the rest of your face and wash with some warm water after 30 minutes. You may have to follow this method daily for a week or two to get rid of the mole.

Cashew nuts

Cashew nuts are known to have properties that can help get rid of moles naturally. Soak a handful of cashew nut seeds overnight in water. In the morning, grind them to make a smooth paste. You can refrigerate this paste for a week. Apply the paste on the mole and let dry for an hour. Repeat this twice a day for a few days.