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HomeLifestyleTravelFrom Morgan House to Neora Valley National Park, Top Places To Visit...

From Morgan House to Neora Valley National Park, Top Places To Visit in Kalimpong

If you are a mountain lover, then you will surely know how it feels to enjoy in the chilly weather, encircled by mighty peaks and lush greenery. Mountains provide us with the much-needed peace and serenity that we fail to experience in the hustle and bustle of city life. So, if you are planning on packing your bags and embarking on a vacation to a hill station any time soon, then you must visit Kalimpong.

Known for its picturesque landscapes, Buddhist monasteries, churches, and well-crafted Tibetan handicrafts, Kalimpong is a traveller’s paradise. Here are the best places to visit in the scenic hill station, which is located in West Bengal:

Morgan House

Surrounded by verdant hills, Morgan House is simply an architectural masterpiece. Constructed in the 1930s, the Morgan House boasts of intricately designed rooms, pillars, and courtyards. It has now been made into a residential hotel. What’s more? People claim that the age-old heritage property is haunted and visit this place to experience some thrill.

Durpin Dhara Hill

Indulge in some golfing as you admire the beauty of the Durpin Dhara Hill in Kalimpong. Soak in the fresh air of the place, replete with emerald-green trees, snow-capped mountains, and the mighty Teesta River. The Durpin Dhara Hill is a haven for nature lovers.

Tharpa Choeling Gompa

One of the oldest gompas found in Kalimpong, the Tharpa Choeling Gompa is known for its ancient literary works and scriptures alongside intricate carvings that are a sight to behold. The Tharpa Choeling Gompa is tucked away amid the hills, away from the fast-paced city life, guaranteeing you peace.

Neora Valley National Park

For those who seek some adventure in the wild, Kalimpong’s Neora Valley National Park is the place to be. The national park houses a wide range of flora and fauna like bamboo and oak trees, along with the exotic golden-throated barbet, bay woodpecker, and even red pandas.



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