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HomeLifestyleGreen Flags In Relationships: 12 Signs To Look Out For In Your...

Green Flags In Relationships: 12 Signs To Look Out For In Your New Partner

Finding love can be challenging. People who have once failed or had unrequited relationships are often apathetic towards finding a romantic companion. But everyone hopes to meet the right person at some point. As a result, the question that looms over us is how to tell if a potential mate is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’. While there is plenty of advice on identifying red flags in people, very few discuss what is healthy. Francesca Hogi, a motivational speaker and podcaster, has highlighted the green flags that should not be overlooked.

Here are the 12 dating green flags she mentioned:

  • Respect and Kindness
    They are respectful, not just to you but to everyone around them. It shows they value every person equally and will never look down on anyone.
  • Consistency
    They will never leave you hanging. They deliver on their promises and are true to any commitment they make. This is a good sign and a must for any relationship to survive, suggests Francesca.
  • Proactivity
    They try to initiate conversation and invest time in building the relationship. These partners will move things forward and also communicate well.
  • Good communication
    Not only do they speak their minds but also listen to you and make you feel heard. The understanding between you is very deep.
  • Aligned/compatible values
    Both your ideals and values about personal and romantic life are alike. This, according to Francesca, is the building block of any stable relationship.
  • Enthusiasm
    They are always excited to know more about you and care about your expectations. The energy is so high that it is almost contagious.
  • No love-bombing
    Their expression of love is not overly dramatic. They are not always showering you with praise or flattering you with declarations of devotion. Instead, they are more real and grounded.
  • They respect your boundaries
    They will not force you to divulge any personal information if you do not want to. They respect your boundaries and also have some of their own. They will not make you feel guilty or overstep.
  • You feel at ease with them
    Their presence brings peace to your mind and you can be your real self with them. There are no self-conflicts in what you say or do in front of them.
  • They take personal accountability
    They take responsibility for their actions and do not blame others for the problems in their lives. Additionally, they will never badmouth others or try to be right all the time.
  • They can articulate their love goals
    They know what they expect from a relationship and are not embarrassed to voice it out.
  • They love themselves
    They are not constantly seeking validation from others to feel good about themselves. They are content and see themselves as worthy humans.


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