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HomeLifestyleHere’s How Parents Can Stop Their Child From Bullying Others

Here’s How Parents Can Stop Their Child From Bullying Others

Bullying at school can be result of peer pressure

In recent years, many schools have taken strict actions to curb bullying in their premises. However, the students bullying their friends or juniors at school should be a cause of concern for parents. In order to stop your child from bullying others it’s important to know the reason behind such behaviour.

At times, bullying is the result of peer pressure or could be a reaction by those who have already faced it. The bullying can also be an outcome of a child’s inability to control impulses or manage anger. While the schools are taking appropriate measures to curb such activities, parents should be equally involved in keeping their kids’ behaviour in check.

Let us tell you that over-reacting and lashing out at the child will be of no help. Here are some tips that might help you in handling the aggressive behaviour in your child.

  1. Don’t ignore
    If you learn that your kid has bullied another child, it is imperative that you straightaway have a chat with them. It demonstrates not only that you are aware of the situation, but also that bullying will not be tolerated. Do not ignore such behaviour.
  2. Address the cause
    It is important for parents to find out why their child chose to bully someone. Talk to your child and try to find out the reason. You should teach your kid about a healthy friendship and how to resist peer pressure. Don’t excuse your child for the behavior.
  3. Consequences
    If your child is using computers or smartphones to cyber bully friends then keep a watch on them. Don’t allow them a free run with their gadgets. You can regulate how your child uses the gadget and for what purpose.
  4. Don’t Shame Your Child
    The way parents behave with their children or with others in front of their children can shape up the nature of their kids to a large extent. Don’t shame your child publicly or shame others in the presence of your kids. Children learn that it is acceptable to embarrass and humiliate others. Shaming, too, is a form of bullying.
  5. Teach Empathy
    Raising your child’s emotional intelligence and teaching them empathy at an early age will prevent them from bullying, in the longer run.


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