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HomeLifestyleHow to Be Safe on a Blind Date

How to Be Safe on a Blind Date

Essentially when you go on a blind date you must be responsible enough to keeping yourself safe. Even though blind dating is often viewed as fun and exciting but then there have been rape cases reported when people go on blind dates.

  • Don’t be blind on a blind date: Find out about the person you are going on date with. Social networks are the best way to talk to the person. Ask your common friends to know what kind of person your date is.
  • Don’t reveal personal details/information: Talk about the general stuff such as movies and books.
  • Choose a safe place for date: Schedule your date in a crowded place such as a coffee shop. Prefer the places where you know the people. If you are planning to go to a bar then select one where you know the staff, they can help you in case you land yourself in trouble. Moreover, a known place will also help you get ease of the anxiety of meeting a new person.
  • Make sure that you inform someone about the place you are going to. It can be your family member or a close friend.
  • Ask your friend to call you during the date to make sure that everything is alright. In case the date is not going as you expected it to then you can probably excuse yourself and make a quick phone call to a friend.
  • Most importantly use your brain while you are on date. If you feel that there is something wrong then listen to your instincts and immediately leave the place.


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