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HomeLifestyleHow To Deal With a Pathological Liar in a Relationship?

How To Deal With a Pathological Liar in a Relationship?

Unlike occasional white lies, if you have caught your partner lying without any reason, you might be dealing with a pathological liar. Also known as, mythomania and pseudologia fantastica, pathological lying is a compulsive habit of lying. Although there is no singularly defined reason why some people compulsively lie, it might result from personality disorders or antisocial personality disorder. Whatever the case, if you have found yourself dating a pathological liar, here are 5 tips to deal with them without losing your sanity:

Heart-to-Heart With Yourself:

The first conversation you should be having is with yourself. Determine whether you want to keep this relationship going because the journey you have been on is nothing compared to the one you will be embarking on if you want to keep it going. Rationally weigh the pros and cons of dating a partner that lies compulsively.

Keep Calm:

Often easier said than done, but losing your temper with a compulsive liar is a no-go. There will be denial if you confront them and it will get frustrating, but if you want anything fruitful out of your conversation, stay firm but kind.

It’s not me. It’s You:

There’s no better way to put it but being lied to personally stings. Remember that lying has nothing to do with you no matter what your partner says. They might be driven by psychological conditions, low self-esteem, and other factors.

No Accusing:

As you try to nurse your wounds, letting them know how it is might cross your mind. But accusing them of a confrontation will not help. Instead, let them know calmly, that you don’t appreciate it when they lie.

Stop the encouragement: Even if it is to see how far they will go with their lies, do not encourage a compulsive liar by asking questions. That is not the way to put a stop to their lies. Be open about not wanting to continue a conversation until they stop being dishonest.



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