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HomeLifestyleHealthHow to Identify Health Issues in Children

How to Identify Health Issues in Children

Development in children happen at a rapid pace, therefore, parents need to pay attention to the fact that developmental issues can arise during this phase. Keeping a close watch on your child’s development, behaviour and health will enable you to identify and treat development concerns. There are several quick developmental transitions that are experienced by children until teenage, after which the development slows down considerably. Moreover, you can ask for paediatrician consultancy, pertaining to child’s development. The significance of indentifying health issues lies in the fact that learning phase of the children should be smooth, not to be intervened or disrupted by unnecessary health issues.

The term ‘developmental delay’ has been gaining popularity over the years, which refers to the situation where child does not accomplish, learns or grasps like usual. Among areas where children can have developmental delays are gross motor skills (like learning cycle), fine motor skills (writing incorrectly), social/emotional skills, cognitive skills (mathematical applications) and speech/language skills (pronouncing wrongly). These are the most common areas where developmental delays have been observed in children. Keeping these issues at bay is a trademark of good parenting.

Steps to Identify Health Issues

  1. Regular evaluation of child’s health for any of health concerns will lower the possibility of health issues. Regular evaluation rules out risks and possibilities of health problems that can arise due to innumerable reasons.
  2. Besides regular health check-up schedule, age appropriate psychological testing will help you keep track of growth of a child.
  3. Make your child comfortable that he do not hide anything that bothers him.
  4. One of the foremost measures, parents need to ensure that child’s learning environment is healthy, where he does not catch any unnecessary health concerns.
  5. Surroundings should be clean and well-maintained. Non-sanitary conditions or problems of any kind like dampness, molds and bacterial could pass on health concerns for children. Moreover, dirty surroundings are also responsible for allergies. Ascertain that child don’t catch any of the allergies while playing.
  6. Deficiencies are another major concern with children. Early diagnosis and correction prevents the unnecessary inevitable.
  7. Before visiting health clinic or psychological professional, make sure that he is best-suited for the job and considers all concerns associated with child’s health.


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