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How to Live a Fairytale Love Story

Once upon a time, sitting in the corner of her room lit with pink baby bulbs sat a little girl day dreaming overlooking the lush outside settled beneath a widely stretched blue. To her mother, who sat by her side knitting a cap, she asked, “Mother, will I also fall in love with my Prince Charming like Cinderella?”

There have been claims that fairytales are an illusion and that they make little girls conjure up that the boyfriend they make when they grow up will be their Romeo. On the upside, this saves girls from shackling their minds with irrational judgements, but on the downside, this breaks many a hearts. That, however, does not mean you cannot live Cinderella’s love life. And, love does exist. To make people drop their jaw listening to your love story, read on.

Do not Ask out Too Soon

It probably has been a few months since you first met and you think it is enough to know each other. Believe us, you need more time before you pop your heart out. Try stretching the wooing period for as long as it is comfortable for both of you.  You will know when the guy or girl is not comfortable dragging it in the case of which he/she will tell you what he/she feels about you. Besides, the more you woo your prospective boyfriend/girlfriend, the deeper your love will grow.

Make Sure you are in Love before Proposing

Humans treasure something only when they have earned it. So, even if the world knows that both of you are in love; do not pop the question just yet. This is also a time for you to test if your partner really does love you. If he/she doesn’t, they’d beg to rush in.

The time that you let the confusion linger is also the time you will treasure all your life.

Avoid Sex as much as you can

This may be invalid to follow in a time when sex is fast track and very few think twice about doing it with someone, but prolonging it can in fact, bring both of you closer and save you from the likelihood of infatuation that is usually caused by a yearning for physical touch.

Do Everything you can to Please him/her

Make sure you do something for him/her as much as you can and whenever possible, especially in the first few months of love. By doing whatever you can for him/her, you are also proving that you love him/her.

Look nice on your Date

Just how the women in fairytales look perfect, you have got to look your best on ever date. Dress well for your partner. As long as you work towards looking good for your date, both of you will make the picture perfect couple.

Always be the one Ending an Argument

Arguments are inevitable in a relationship or between two people who are close to each other. What matters is how you end it. It takes a wise man/woman to end an argument. Try ending an argument by hugging or talking out whatever is in your mind politely.

Do not spend a lot of Time on Meeting

If you want your date to climb the fence to meet you, you have to set up such circumstances. Make him/her yearn to take a glimpse of you by not spending too much time in the beginning hanging out. Spending a lot of time together in the beginning itself will make him/her take you for granted by the 3rd month. Make him/her miss you to let your love bloom.

Be Chivalrous

While it is rightly believed that chivalry is dead, you have got to bring it back by being the gentleman/gentlewoman your date wants you to be. Make your man/woman feel like he/she is an important person in your life. One of the ways you can be nice to your date is by making something or other easier for him/her.

Do not lose hope in finding true love even if you don’t find it the first few times. As long as you do not have limitations to loving someone, you are bound to have a fairytale romance.



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