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HomeLifestyleHow to Ruin a Blind Date

How to Ruin a Blind Date

Blind dating can become stressful, so you might want to ruin it. There could be innumerable reasons enforcing you to ruin a date, likelihood of which will be more if the date is unplanned. If you want that such a situation should not arise, either don’t go for blind dating or plan for blind dating. Preparation for the date and some considerations will better your chances to enjoy blind dating experience.

Commitment is another aspect that forces you to ruin a date. This factor is inevitable, which sometimes makes its introduction sooner than expected. In this scenario, you are left with no choice, but to ruin the date.

Mentioned below are some of the advices for ruining a blind date and avoiding your chance to get involved in an entanglement.

  1. Arrive Late: If you want to ruin a blind date from the very beginning, carry ‘I don’t care attitude’. Not showing up on time means half of the task has been accomplished.
  2. Dress Casually: Dressing casually means that put on some dirty and smelly shirt. Don’t shave, neither shower so that puffy eyes and condition reveals your disinterest.
  3. Don’t Carry Money: One of the ways to turn off your date is not carrying any money, or going for cheap munchies that will make your date feel awkward. Order for yourself; don’t bother to ask date about the restaurant or food stuff. In this manner, you will convey date of how unimportant she/he is.
  4. Misbehave: The laidback approach will ensure that you have ruined the date. Get out of your real skin; misbehave with everyone you interact while you are with the date. Be it her, or the restaurant staff, or in the traffic. This will convey your capabilities that could possibly come in pursuit the date is getting into with you.
  5. Don’t Pay Attention: Rather than listening to the date, keep calling your friends or texting them. Calling your ex-girlfriend and fighting with her once more will be a great idea, which will definitely eliminate the slimmest of chances.
  6. Pass Dirty Remarks: Be a racist, or sexist or crack bathroom jokes that will grab attention of people around you.


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