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HomeLifestyleHow to Write a Real-Life Love Letter to Your Wife

How to Write a Real-Life Love Letter to Your Wife

You don’t need a holiday or special occasion as a reason to write your wife a love letter. Penning love letters is an age-old tradition that used to be the way we romanced potential partners, and it still can be. Whether you’ve been married for six months or sixty years, you can still compose a beautiful love letter to the most important person in your life.

And we’ll let you in on a secret – you don’t have to be a professional writer to be able to blow her away with your words.

6 Tips for Writing a Love Letter to Your Wife From the Heart

Now’s not the time to get pen shy, you can’t write a love letter without putting pen to paper. But, the first thing you write doesn’t have to make it into the final cut. Instead, craft your thoughts and feelings around these guidelines. When you’re finished, you’ll have a love letter you’re so proud of, you’ll want to frame it.

Be Vulnerable From the Start

From the very beginning, you need to open up and be extremely vulnerable. An “I love you” here and there won’t cut it. Instead, when you’re writing a romantic love letter, you need to reach down into your inner thoughts and feelings and dump them on the page.

It’s become a bit of a pop culture thing to feel shame about expressing deep, poetic love for your partner. But life’s too short to keep those thoughts bottled up. And the person who deserves to hear your intimate thoughts the most is the person you married.

Compliment Them…A Lot

A surefire way to up the romance in a love letter is to compliment your wife. There’s not a person alive who doesn’t get a little boost from being complimented on something. And, you know your wife better than anyone else does, so you’re uniquely qualified to clue them on to the cutest, most endearing parts of their identity.

Don’t stick to just physical attributes, either. Talk about behaviors they have, like snorting or always color coding their socks, as well as things like being emotionally supportive. The key here isn’t to reduce them to one single attribute; instead, it’s to paint a picture of love using all of the things about them that give you butterflies as the paint.

Assuage Any of Her Insecurities

Another awesome thing that can take up real estate in your love letter is you assuaging any of her insecurities. For example, if she’s not feeling comfortable with her body after recently having a baby, mention how attractive you think she is. Or, if she’s really struggling with losing some friends, talk about how much you admire her loyalty.

Only Add a Sprinkling of Sugar

Saccharine love letters often come off as cheesy and ungenuine. The real world isn’t sunshine and rainbows, and neither is your relationship. Instead of tossing out an idealized version of your love, talk about the real thing. How much their bedhead makes you giggle in the morning, or how they’ve ruined pancakes for you because theirs tastes so good. After all, being overly sweet isn’t a prerequisite for a love letter.

Don’t Be Formal

If you’re looking at love letters from the greats, you might feel like the way to your wife’s heart is through some lofty metaphors and literary devices. But your wife didn’t fall in love with John Keats or Virginia Woolf’s words. She fell in love with yours. So, write like you speak, use your favorite inside jokes and silly phrases. She wants a touch of you in your love letter, not a dead Romantic poet’s touch.

Don’t Worry About the Length

There’s no right or wrong length when it comes to a love letter. As the age-old saying goes, you write until you’ve fully expressed yourself. For some people, that could be pages and pages of lovely words. For others, a paragraph or two is precisely enough.

Example Love Letters to Enchant Your Wife

Here are some varied example love letters you can use to enchant your wife. Or take their bare bones and build a new personalized love letter out of them.

Sweet Letter for a Special Occasion

Dear [Their Name],

We’re coming up on our fifth anniversary and it feels like it should be closer to the fiftieth. I’ve had more happy days in these five years than I had in all of my years before. I think I’ve got you to thank for that.

You’re endlessly kind to me and our family, always going the extra mile to make us feel supported and loved. I’m sure I don’t say it enough, but you amaze me. You’re incredibly strong and supportive, and life doesn’t sound very appealing without you by my side.

I might not have won the lottery yet, but I guess I can call it even since I hit the jackpot with you.

All my love,

[Your Name]

Cute and Funny Love Letter to Your Wife

My Dearest [Their Name],

While you were drooling into the corner of your pillow this morning, I was struck again by just how much I love you. That happens a lot, you know. The being struck by my love for you. If you’d have asked me before we got together just what I was looking for in a spouse, I wouldn’t have had an answer.

If I’d have known who I’d end up with, I’d have hunted you down a whole lot sooner. Just like all of my t-shirts shoved into your sweatpants drawer, we’ve become so intertwined I don’t know where I end and you being. And I kind of love it that way.


[Your Name]

Letter to Remind Her of Your Love

Dearest [Their Name],

Today you’re going to come home from a long day of work, toss yourself into our cloud-like sheets, and nap for about thirty minutes. When you wake up, you’ll come meet me in the living room, give me a kiss on the top of my head, and patter off to the kitchen for a quick snack.

I don’t think I know how to tell you just how much I love that I know you so well. I’ve got your daily routine memorized. It’s just one of the many pieces of you I’ve got tattooed on my brain. Who needs space for multiplication tables or tax information when I’ve got folders and folders of you up there?

I know life’s been tough lately, and I know you feel like you’re letting people down. But I can assure you that you’ve never let me down once. I don’t think it’s possible. And one other thing I know isn’t possible is me not loving you. We’re bound together, baby! It’s you and me against the world, forever.

You’ve got all the love in my heart,

[Your Name]

Emotional Letter Expressing Deep Love for Your Wife

My Beautiful Wife,

It isn’t very often that we take the time to just stop and appreciate each other, but tonight I just want to take a moment and tell you how strong my love for you is. You are beyond beautiful, inside and out. The sweet way you care for other people and your unselfish heart are so incredible. The only thing that could maybe compare is your gorgeous smile.

I love that I have the privilege of sharing my life with you. The emotions I have for you are so deep I don’t think there is anything that could ever come between us. I’m so thankful for the way you love me, and I want you to know what an amazing gift it is to be able to call you my wife. I love you.

With deepest love and admiration,

[Your Name]

Romantic Letter When You’re Missing Your Wife

Dear [Their Name],

I wish I had the words to be able to express how much you mean to me. When we’re apart, I really feel like a piece of me is missing. Being away from you makes me realize all the dozens of little things I love about you – from the way you smile at me when you wake up in the morning to the cute way you get out of breath as you’re rushing out the door.

It’s so hard to be apart right now, but it makes me all that much more appreciative of the person you are. I am so incredibly glad you married me and I can’t wait to be back home beside you again.

Missing you,

[Your Name]

Love Note for Your Wife’s Birthday

To My Incredible Wife on Her Birthday,

On your birthday, you deserve to be pampered and cherished and treated like royalty. Actually, you deserve to be treated like that every day.

Since that doesn’t always happen, I’m here to tell you that today I’m at your beck and call and I’ll try to make all your wishes come true. As long as they’re limited to a fantastic dinner, a foot rub, and maybe a surprise gift you’ll see later. Plus you’ll get to spend the day with your favorite guy – me. I love you, Sweetie. Happy Birthday!


[Your Name]

Love Doesn’t Need a Turn of Phrase

Wives are some of the hardest working, most selfless and loyal people around, and if you’re lucky enough to have one, you should let them know. Go old school and woo them with a handwritten love letter. So long as you’re genuine, speaking from the heart, and complimenting her many great qualities, you can’t go wrong.



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