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HomeLifestyleIs Your Child Safe While Travelling? Be Sure with These Tips

Is Your Child Safe While Travelling? Be Sure with These Tips

Children can be fun and also troublesome to travel with. Children can be mischievous and inquisitive about things they encounter while travelling. Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of the guardians to ensure that the child travelling with them is in a secured position and the vulnerability of the kid to danger is reduced.

Start your Travel before Time

Small children with their clumsiness can create a ruckus while travelling, causing a delay in the travel time. It is always advisable to start your journey a earlier than the scheduled time so that there is no delay and the child is not harmed in the commotion.

Ensure Proper Clothing

There can be security checks that you may have to go through at the boarding stations or airports. In situations like these make sure that your child’s shoes and clothing layers are easy to take off. The screening procedure might make the child irritable and the entire journey might turn into a mission.

Consult the Pediatrician

Some children may experience motion sickness while others may be claustrophobic. It is always advisable to consult a pediatrician before you start your journey. Make sure you feed the prescribed medicines to your child so that he/she does not feel nauseous or dizzy during the journey.

Make Sure your Child is Buckled Up

While travelling by road it is very important to ensure that your child is buckled to his seat. Also, if you have hired a car, inform the driver that you are in no hurry and he must avoid rash driving. Children under 13 years of age must ride on the rear seat of the car.

Keep your Child Busy

Long journeys can often make children petulant. It is for the guardians to carry toys or things of the child’s interest to keep them occupied during the journey. Also, making them watch the sceneries outside can help to keep them distracted.

Never Forget First Aid

Carrying the first-aid kit is the most vital part of travelling. In case of any mishap, ointments and bandages should be kept handy so that the child is safe. Apart from first-aid, an ample amount of food and water should be packed for the child. Hand wipes, tissue papers, diaper rash ointment are amongst other important things that you should not forget to carry.

Supervise your Child

While your child is travelling along, you should never let him go out of sight. Accompanying him to restrooms, large crowds and water bodies is a must. Supervise your child all along the trip and instruct him to reach an agreed spot and ask him to stay there if lost.

If you are travelling with a child always think of his safety before yours. Children being more vulnerable than adults should be harnessed properly before travelling and tips listed above should always be taken care of so that the journey does not turn into a nightmare.



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