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HomeLifestyleJust Don’t Say These Things To Your Partner

Just Don’t Say These Things To Your Partner

We can all say some really awful things to our partners when we panic. While most people realise that you were simply upset and didn’t mean it, there are a few things that may be quite damaging to your relationship. Here are some things that you should never say to someone close to you.

1. “You are so boring”

This one is vicious, and anyone who has been called boring knows it’s the ultimate heartbreaker. It’s a harsh and unloving comment, and there is no good that can come from this foolish behaviour. Any negative comments, comparisons, or judgments of this nature will always harm a relationship, either by separating or dividing the two.

2. “Why don’t you listen to me”

Although it may appear that your spouse never listens, this is one of the least helpful statements to say. This kind of restricting comment is typically made in a long-term relationship when the importance of two-way communication is taken for granted or neglected, or one partner has become excessively narrow-minded. Repeating this phrase again and over, whether in a more emotional or angry tone, will never help.

3. “You are so selfish”

When you don’t feel like you are being heard, it’s easy for things to slip out of your mouth. This is a critical and judgmental comment that attacks the person rather than their behaviour, and it will create distance and tension in a relationship. These words, even if spoken in the heat of the moment, will box you in a corner, end conversations, and make it extremely difficult to reverse the damage.

4. “You have changed”

This comment will never facilitate a healthy relationship. If you sincerely accept this claim, you must also consider that you would have changed too. A person or a relationship can never stay the same or be stable. Both partners and the relationship itself should constantly evolve and transform in order to be healthy, lively, and flourish.



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