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HomeLifestyleHealthKnow The Real Reasons For Early Periods

Know The Real Reasons For Early Periods

Menstruation is a normal monthly event. Here, the uterine lining in females is shed in this process. Often it is shed along with mucous and blood.

Usually, this process starts during puberty and takes place in a cyclic manner with the aid of female hormones. Furthermore, the length of the menstrual cycle also varies with people. In general, periods should occur every 25 to 30 days once.

Sometimes, periods might occur a bit early and can surprise you. Moreover, quite often it is an unpleasant surprise. This often happens due to changes in hormone levels. Also, certain body mechanisms could cause your period to arrive early. Here, let’s discuss some reasons for early periods in females.

What Are The Reasons For Early Periods?

Puberty is driven by reproductive hormones. During the early years of puberty, this hormonal fluctuation can be quite irregular. The duration of periods is also irregular at this stage. With that in mind let’s look at some factors that aid in early periods.


The period before menopause is known as perimenopause. Usually, this happens in the mid-to late-forties age. Also, a disruption in the menstrual cycle is the first indication of perimenopause. For instance, if your cycle has always been 28 days, during perimenopause, your period may arrive as soon as 21 days or as late as 35 days. Furthermore, this is an age-related hormonal reason for early periods.


Stress levels frequently have an impact on the area of your brain that regulates your hormone levels. Sometimes you can also feel a surge of hormones during anxiety or stress. So it’s likely that your period will arrive earlier than usual as a result of the stress you’re under. Thus stress has an indirect impact on menstruation. Also, stress usually disrupts the normal biological rhythm like sleep patterns as well.

Heavy Exercise

An excessive and hard exercise routine can cause abrupt weight changes. Furthermore, this can change hormonal production as well. Hence, make sure there is no sudden fluctuation in weight. Both sudden weight gain, as well as weight loss, will impact your periods. It is also proven that strenuous exercise and drastic weight changes will have an impact on ovulation. Sometimes, drastic weight loss can also happen due to dieting or surgery.

Contraception and Birth Control

Your cycle may also be impacted by your birth control strategies. Sometimes, early menstruation can result from using an emergency contraceptive pill. This is because these pills have a direct impact on hormone levels. Your hormone levels may drop if you miss a few contraceptive pills, which could cause early bleeding as well. You might also bleed if you recently had an intrauterine device implanted.

Other Medications

Medications like blood-thinning anticoagulants can often lengthen your period and cause excessive bleeding. Usually, during your period, anticoagulants are naturally released to assist in uterine shedding. Thus additional anticoagulant usage may speed up this process and result in a heavier and early flow.


PCOS is a hormonal condition in which ovaries produce high levels of testosterone or the male hormone. This PCOS can result in early or late periods in females. In general, this condition alters ovulation. Other illnesses like thyroid, type-2 diabetes as well as sexually transmitted diseases can also alter this ovulation process.

Other Medical Reasons

There are also several other medical and hormonal reasons for early periods. Endometriosis is one such condition. Here, the uterus tissue expands and causes pain. This can also lead to bleeding in between the periodic cycle. This is often mistaken as an early period. Similar is the case with implantation bleeding. When a fertilized egg attaches to the uterus at the beginning of pregnancy, it causes implantation bleeding.
Also, an early period doesn’t indicate anything dangerous. Mostly, it often subsides within a month or two. You can just follow a balanced routine and healthy diet for better results. Most importantly track your periods. However, pain and discomfort during periods should not be taken lightly. Thus reaching out to your doctor during such uncomfortable experiences is a must. Moreover, if you’ve had a miscarriage or other issues please reach out for medical help.



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