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HomeLifestyleHealthMigraine: Explore Exceptionally Effective Techniques for Reducing Migraine Pain

Migraine: Explore Exceptionally Effective Techniques for Reducing Migraine Pain

Migraine is a severe disabling brain condition, listed as the sixth most common disabling condition globally by World Health Organization. Migraine severely affects quality of life and predominantly affects females in 3:1 ratio. It is characterized by attacks of unilateral, throbbing head pain, with sensitivity to movement, visual, auditory, and other inputs associated with nausea and vomiting. Also, tiredness, irritability, reduced concentration accompanies. Attacks last anywhere from 4hrs-72hrs leaving patient exhausted for hours and days after the attack.

Migraine is classified as episodic migraine when attacks occur occasionally or chronic migraine when headaches occur more than 15 days per month. Pathology of migraine is not completely understood, pain is experienced when trigemino-vascular neurons which carry pain sensation from head are activated. Repeated activation of trigemino-vascular system over time results in a state of nervous system hypersensitivity.

As migraine is chronic disorder, it is very important to educate patients regarding treatment of and coping up with migraine pain. There are 2 main treatment approaches. Abortive treatment which consists of pain-relieving medications which are taken during the attack. Preventive treatment, which consists of medications taken regularly to prevent attack.

Apart from medicines there are many simple steps that can help to cope up with migraine pain:
  • Find a quiet environment: At the first sign of a migraine, take a break and step away from whatever you are doing if possible.
  • Turn off lights, as light can make migraine pain worse. Relax in a dark quiet room. Sleep if you can.
  • Try temperature therapy. Apply hot or cold compresses to your head or neck. Ice packs have numbing effect. Hot packs can relax tense muscles.
  • Sip a cup of coffee. In mild attacks, caffeine alone can abort migraine. However, avoid too much caffeine.

Sleep well: Migraines are often triggered by poor night’s sleep, so encourage sound sleep.

  • Maintain regular sleep time. Go to bed on time.
  • Avoid day time naps longer than 30 minutes
  • Avoid doing office work in bedroom or watching TV in bedroom.
  • Avoid heavy exercise, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol during bedtime.

Eat well:

  • Avoid processed meats, aged cheese, chocolate, artificial sweeteners, foods with MSG.
  • Do not skip meals.
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Include fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet.

Exercise regularly:

  • According to researches body produces endorphins during exercises which reduces headaches and chronic pains and improves mood. Hence exercising regularly is very beneficial.
  • Aerobic exercises like walking running, cycling, jogging are associated with decrease in migraine attack.
  • Yoga: Mindful exercises like yoga along with medications reduce migraine attacks.
  • Tai Chi: Tai Chi is ancient Chinese art that has beneficial effects on migraine. Avoid strenuous exercises like weight lifting. Avoid overexercising and dehydration.
  • Manage stress:: Stress and migraines often go hand in hand.
  • Simplify your life: Whether it is personal or professional life, taking on more than you can handle is a definite reason for stress.
  • Take a break: If you feel overwhelmed, a quick walk or a good music can renew energy.
  • Engage in social interactions rather than isolating yourselves.
  • Take control of your environment:
  • Avoid doing things that stress you out.
  • Try relaxation techniques:
  • Stretching muscles, massage, taking warm water bath can be relaxing.
  • Deep breathing: Taking few deep breaths can immediately relieve stress. Sit in a comfortable place, close your eyes, imagine yourself to be in a relaxing place and slowly take deep breaths in and out. Do it for 5-10minutes per day.

Migraine is a chronic disorder with no definite cure. Medicines complemented with lifestyle changes and stress management help patients cope up with migraine pain.



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