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HomeLifestyleReasons why you should allow your child to be curious

Reasons why you should allow your child to be curious

Curiosity never did kill the cat, curiosity drove the cat to understand the new, and without curiosity the cat would never know that milk taste like manna from heaven. There is every reason for your child to be curious; the world is after all a mystery to the little one.

It is important to be curious; a great mind is always that mind which is seeks an answer, that which is asking questions. Without curiosity your child would never understand the mysteries of this big wide world. Albert Einstein had said, “The important thing is not to stop questioning”, and that is the absolute truth! With curiosity your child will also develop the love for learning the new and it is a character strength which is related to well being. As your child begins to find out all that he doesn’t know, it will improve his mind and build his character. So here are some reasons for you to allow your child to be curious.

Makes the Mind Active

When your child’s mind is curious he or she would always want to ask questions and search for their answers. The mind is like a muscle which will only grow stronger with continual exercise, and the best exercise for the mind is to think. Thinking is a great way to occupy oneself, when your child thinks he will ask questions and want to know the answers for it. This way he or she will learn.

Opens a World of Possibilities

A world full of possibilities opens up in front of your child when he or she begins to get answers to the questions they have been thinking. A child is always hidden behind a normal life, that what he or she sees in his or her surroundings. A child feeds on all that he or she is fed, but when you let them get curious and ask questions then they discover many things new. Upon discovering all things new they see immense possibilities, and hence they grow.

A Learning Process

Curiosity drives a person to know and this is a learning process. When you are curious you would want to know the answers, and knowing the answers would mean that you have learnt. It is very important that you do not sideline your child’s curiosity by thinking it is childish. This childish curiosity will drive him or her to understand things better and in the process he or she would learn.

Seeking Individuality

A curious child would seek individuality. He or she would turn around and become someone that he or she wants to be. Upon exploring everything that he or she sees and understands in his or her surroundings a curious child would seek to become someone. Becoming someone is important, each person is different and we recognise everyone in accordance to their individuality. Therefore opening new horizons by bringing in curiosity could in fact bring about individuality in a person.

Experiencing the New

It is very important for your child to experience something new. New is good, new shows them the way to someplace they have never been before, and it is a fantastic experience for your child. Moreover it is more important for your child to experience the new because he or she will have a chance to grow. It is equally important for your child to grow both in the mental and physical aspects.

Let your child grow into a person with a strong mind and a broad horizon. If you do not let the cat to be curious, it will never know the pleasure of drinking milk.



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