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HomeLifestyleReasons why you should ask a man out

Reasons why you should ask a man out

While most women may think it is inappropriate to ask a man out, here is a compilation of few reasons why you should ask a man out.

Because he loves surprises

Asking him out when he is least expecting, but discreetly wishing it, would definitely take him by a pleasant surprise. Asking a man out should not be a problem as long as you are sure he is into you. Once you have hinted your romance, there is no way he would say no unless he is gay or taken. It is precisely the wave of unexpectedness in your way of asking him out that will pull him by his knees.

He may be shy or afraid

Not all men are unafraid about asking a girl out and facing the consequences. If you have been indulging in several serious sessions of eye contact, intensive flirting or exchange too many messages via texting or social networking sites, there is a decent chance that he is into you, but is afraid to approach you. Well, men can be a little insecure and afraid to express their emotions, sometimes.

Asking-out is a confidence booster

Taking the initiative of asking the man out is in itself an expression of a super confident girl and that is how you will be put through to your prospective date or others who come to know about it. Besides, asking your date out will definitely boost your self-confidence. If, by any chance, he puts you down, it will only give you enough confidence to move ahead to your next prey.

Help you be in a man’s shoes

If you get rejected by a guy who you mustered up the guts to ask out, is not the end of the world. If you plucked to hold your breath and ask him out, you can as well laugh it off in his face and tell him how bad a decision he made to lose the kind of girl he would never meet again. Draw up a mental checklist of all the men you have turned down as this will help you put things together and see them in perspective.

A massive turn on

If you confess about your feelings with your prospective date in public, he will revel in your attention. It will only make him melt and end up saying yes to you.



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