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Sensual Kissing Tips

A few kissing tips are sure to help in the game of love and dating. A key component to intimacy, kissing is a private moment shared between a couple – even in a crowded room. Whether it is a quick peck or a long smooch, kissing is a pleasant way to spread a little love.

Basic Kissing Guidelines

A kiss can have many meanings: friendly, romantic, affection and passion. No matter your purpose, the basic kiss has guidelines to ensure it is a satisfying experience for both. The act of kissing causes a chemical reaction in the brain. This rush of neurotransmitters goes straight to the brain’s pleasure center. By using these kissing tips to improve your technique, biology will help you make stronger partnerships, naturally.

Involve Your Senses

Kissing is much more than purely touching lips. The experience actually involves three main senses: touch, taste, and smell. When your partner’s mouth touches yours, you want to taste delicious, smell delightful and touch gracefully.

The Perfect Kiss

A great kiss should pause slightly just before the lips connect, let the other person kiss back, and have the kissers complete and undivided attention. In addition, keep the following in mind:

  • Lips should be soft, moist, warm and slightly parted.
  • The kiss should be firm, but tender.
  • Proper timing is important – spontaneous but welcomed.
  • A kiss should be backed up by genuine feelings of intimacy.
  • Hold your partner’s hands or embrace them while you kiss.
  • If you need a breather while kissing, slightly pull back and gaze into your partner’s eyes before resuming.

Smooch Prep

Before a date or as you see your lover approaching, get in the mood for a kiss. Your mouth should be clean, teeth brushed, and lips moisturized. Smile and catch your partner’s eye first before making the move toward a kiss. Open up your body, stand close, and tilt your head. Reach outward while kissing; touch the other person with your body, arms, and hands. When actually kissing, make sure you are comfortable, or the kiss itself will be awkward.

The End of the Kiss

When the kiss is over, slowly close your lips and pause before withdrawing. The end of the kiss is as important as the beginning. Pull back gently and maintain some contact, either holding hands, hugging or simply standing close. Look into each others’ eyes, before moving apart.


Although it may sound silly, like any art form, practice is important. Practicing with another person is fun if you have an intimate friend or current relationship. If not, you can still practice in other ways. Consider the following:

  • Watch romantic movies and study the way the couples kiss.
  • Think about how you eat, what feels good in your own mouth and the varying sensations.
  • Practice tongue and lip movements on lollipops, gum or ice cream cones.
  • Kiss your own hands and arms, how do different movements of your lips and tongue feel on your skin?
  • Practice moving your lips into a kissing position and watch yourself do so in the mirror so you know what you look like.
  • To practice french kissing move your tongue around your mouth and notice which sensations feel good.

That Important First Kiss

Before embarking on the important adventure of a first kiss, consider these important kissing tips:

  • Develop intimacy first before kissing.
  • Heavy flirting before leaning toward the kiss can help put you both in the mood.
  • Hold eye contact and lean in close to your partner, pausing just before your lips touch.
  • Time and place are particularly critical for that first unforgettable kiss. Ideally, you want to be alone, in a romantic and memorable setting.
  • While kissing, gently close your eyes and let your face relax.
  • Touch lips with your partner gently at first and vary the pressure if you end up kissing for a longer period of time.

How to Have a Great First Kiss by Howcast

Specific Kissing Tips

Even if you have years of great kissing under your dating belt, the following are definitely some good reminders.

  • Taste and smell your lipstick, gloss, and chapstick. Make sure they are pleasing.
  • Use touch to enhance your kissing experience.
  • Lick and press lips together slightly before kissing to soften, moisten and warm them.
  • Most kissers close their eyes, so you should too – although, it can be nice to look at each other once in a while.
  • Kiss other parts of the body rather than just the lips.
  • Kissing is an important part of a healthy relationship. Don’t let your pucker die away.
  • Incorporate kissing into your day – pecks on the cheek in greeting, a smooch before leaving for work, a tender bedtime neck canoodle.
  • Rub noses while kissing for childish fun.
  • Take advantage of the sensual tongue, with all its touch and taste sensations.
  • Giggle and laugh while kissing. Enjoy yourselves.

Making Out

In traditional making out, the kiss of choice is the French kiss. While most of us receive lots of practice with casual kissing at a young age, the French kiss is a bit more elusive. If you need some more guidance in this passionate practice, consider the following French kissing tips.

  • Always ensure both of you are relaxed, comfortable and snuggled, before beginning a longer make out session.
  • Find the perfect romantic setting; lighting, sounds, and aromas all help to create the mood.
  • Start out slow, with gentle closed lip kissing, moving into the more heated tongue kisses.
  • Utilize your other body parts to enhance the passion. Caress your partner’s face, touch her hair, wrap your legs together, hug and push close together.
  • When using your tongue to kiss, you want to avoid too much. Make sure the tongue is relaxed and the movements gentle and subtle.
  • Brush your tongue inside your partner’s mouth, suck slightly on each other’s tongues, and tickle the lips.
  • Avoid too much movement while kissing, make your actions controlled and relaxed.
  • Remember to take breathing breaks.
  • Take control of your saliva.

Enjoy Sensual Kissing

Kissing is a fun way to connect with your partner romantically. Bump up your kissing technique by paying close attention to your senses, reading your partner’s cues, and varying the pressure and style of your kissing.



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