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HomeLifestyleHealthSimple Home Remedies to Regulate Your Menstrual Cycle

Simple Home Remedies to Regulate Your Menstrual Cycle

Periods plays a vital role in the life of a woman. Irregular periods or delayed menstruation periods is a common issue faced by a woman.

Irregular periods are otherwise known as oligomenorrhea and it turns out to be the major issue in the present days. The average menstrual cycle is for about 28 days and this will be regular for a few women. But because of hormonal imbalance or due to certain other factors a woman can face irregular periods or menstruation. And irregularity in periods may lead to many other issues in the health of a woman.

The main contribution of irregular periods is stress, certain medicines, grueling exercising, poor diet, anemia, tuberculosis, irritable bowel syndrome, and diabetes. Irregular periods can be treated, but in reality, women just take it as a very common issue and just leave it as it is! When it is not treated, it may lead to many other issues in the body. And if you are tired of taking pills and other medications for irregular periods, here are some healthy home remedies as an alternative to treat irregular menstruation.


Ginger is considered to be one of the traditional medicines for many health issues. It is a multipurpose product that is incorporated with so many health benefits. Ginger juice is highly recommended as a good home remedy to treat irregular periods. It is advisable to intake ginger juice weekly once or one teaspoonful thrice a day for a month at least. Soon, it will help in regulating menstruation.


How about the tiny herbal stick helping you for regulating the menstrual cycle! Yes! Cinnamon is good in curing the irregular periods and the menstrual cramps which the women commonly face. It has the warming effect which helps in reducing the menstruation cramps and additionally helps in irregular periods.


High content of Vitamin A makes the carrot an essential intake for the body. Carrot juice is rich in iron hence this is a better and great cure for anemia. By consuming carrot juice daily, it helps in boosting the natural immunity, overcoming anemia, irregular periods and delayed menstruation.


Generally, we must have heard that unripe papaya should not be used during the pregnancy period as it may lead to miscarriage. It is because papaya has a warm effect on the body and it also induces muscle contraction in the uterus. And so many people might have advised you to intake papaya for regulating the periods. It is one of the best and natural home remedies.


When you are suffering from irregular periods, almost every doctor and nutritionist would suggest you practice yoga regularly. Yoga is considered to be the most effective thing in regulating menstruation. It has also been shown to reduce the menstrual pain and emotional symptoms which are seen associated with menstruation like depression and anxiety. Just start from the beginning stage of Yoga.

Exercise regularly and eat pineapples and other vitamin-packed foods. And when your periods become irregular for more than three months and if you are having periods for 21 days which are the signs for irregular menstruation, that ultimately leads to some other major issues like PCOS – POLYCYSTIC OVARIAN SYNDROME. So, it must be treated at the starting stage and it should be cured by taking these above-mentioned home remedies.



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