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HomeLifestyleTips And Tricks You Need To Follow To Keep Your Nails Healthy...

Tips And Tricks You Need To Follow To Keep Your Nails Healthy And Fresh

Nails might be a very small part of our body but we often miss out on the fact that it is also a very significant part of our body. More than often it gives out signs of how our overall health is, therefore it is pivotal that we take good care of it. Not to forget, nails add an extra sheen and sparkle to our entire look and personality.

Here is all that you need to do to maintain healthy and good nails:-

Keep trimming your nails at regular intervals

Trim your nails at regular intervals and yes, you can also shape them according to your whims and fancy. Be focused on cutting them straight across and it is best to avoid cutting them too short or too close to the skin, as this can cause ingrown nails. Always, file your nails to smooth out any rough edges.

Always keep your nails clean and dry

Make sure to wash your hands regularly with soap and water to keep your nails clean. Next, dry your nails thoroughly after washing to prevent fungal infections. However, one must avoid prolonged exposure to water because that can make the skin around your nails super dry and try to wear gloves when doing household chores.

Try and protect your nails from damage

Try to avoid using your nails as tools to open cans or packages, as this can cause them to break or chip, which can at times be super painful. Plus, you do not really want to give up on your beautiful nails in a painful manner, right?

Always moisturize your nails and cuticles

None of us do this very often but it is time we started applying moisturizer or cuticle oil to your nails and cuticles to keep them hydrated and prevent dryness and cracking. Every once in a while massage the moisturizer or oil into your nails and cuticles to stimulate blood circulation and promote healthy nail growth.

Never keep nail paint on for too long

Make it a point to not keep the nail pail on for too long, keeping it on for too long will not let your nails breathe causing them to turn extremely rough and break eventually. Always keep a small gap in between changing nail paint.



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