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HomeLifestyleTop 5 Dating Tips for Shy Guys

Top 5 Dating Tips for Shy Guys

There are many men who seek women but are just clueless about approaching them. Dating is supposed to be natural for some guys. They are supposed to sweep women off their feet, at least some if not all! This is not always the case though. There are some shy men out there too who choke at all attempts of dating a woman.

If you are one of those who cannot muster enough courage to go up to a woman and just ask her out, the top 5 dating tips given here can help you do that.

  1. A woman finds nothing more attractive than a guy who is confident. Even if your knees are giving away quite literally, never show it and rather make a brave face and go over to say hi! Know that you do not lose anything by it. If she does not take a liking to you, there will be plenty of other women to try.
  2. Shy men should always remember that looking down while talking makes you look sad and uninterested. Train yourself to look in the eye of women when talking. Women need this assurance of a confident man who is interested in her.
  3. Make your body language open. Do not cross your arms when talking to a prospective date. It makes you look defensive and aloof. Crossed arms give a distinct feeling of the person being uncomfortable in the social situation. This sort of negative attitude will put off your date.
  4. Make the first move. The shy ones need to realise that a woman would be much more interested in them if they made the first move.
  5. The last tip for shy guys is to keep on trying. You might be turned down a few times, but do not let that discourage you. Take the rejections as practice for getting better at it. It might feel disgusting when it happens but know that there will be some woman who agrees with what you present to her.


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