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HomeLifestyleHealthTop 5 Equipment-Free Exercises To Get Fit

Top 5 Equipment-Free Exercises To Get Fit

Weight loss is never easy. Managing time out of the daily routines of life is one of the biggest challenges faced by beginners while taking up workouts. However, there are several types of effective exercises that can be performed at home without the need for any sophisticated equipment. One such form of exercise is pilates. A low-impact mind-body exercise, pilates helps individuals to develop their muscle strength and boost metabolism. Regular practice of pilates can help individuals achieve greater muscular control, and posture while also helping in weight loss.

Here are some pilate exercises that you can add to your routine for weight loss.

Leg Stretches

An effective lower body exercise, leg stretches can be performed with one or both legs. To begin with, lie down on the mat and place your face up. Now, lift your head, neck and shoulders. Take deep breaths and straighten your legs to a 45-degree angle while extending your arms along with your ears. Return to the original position while exhaling.

Toe Taps

This one works on abdominal and hip extensors. Lie on your back with knees bent and keeping your feet parallel and hip-width apart. Take one take leg into tabletop position while slowly exhaling without popping your abdominals or arching your back. Repeat with the opposite leg. Perform least 5 reps on each leg

One leg circle

Lie on your back and keep both legs straight on the floor. Lift one leg while exhaling and keeping the hips still. Inhale to reach the leg in the air across your body Now, exhale to make a circle with your leg, trying to not let your pelvis rock with its movement. Perform 5 repetitions with each leg.


Lie on your back with arms pressed against the floor. Keep your legs together and lift them straight to the ceiling and roll over, bringing your legs parallel to the floor.Inhale and roll down through the right side of the back, shifting both legs to the right. Circle your legs, and roll over through the left side of your back while exhaling. Bring your legs to the original position.

Plank to Push

Stand straight and exhale. Now, form a plank position, keeping your body staring against the floor with your hands. Lower your body halfway to the mat, with your elbow tucked close to the ribcage. Straighten your arms and repeat the push-up. Return to the starting position by walking your hands toward your feet.

Side Bend Preparation

While on your side, press up on your forearm and elbow with both knees bent. Your feet will be behind you, with your knees in line with your hips. Push your forearms into the floor and lift your hips into the air while exhaling. Inhale and lower your hips halfway. Exhale to lif your hips again. Perform 8 repetitions.



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