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HomeLifestyleTrust To Communication: 5 Things More Important Than Sex In A Relationship

Trust To Communication: 5 Things More Important Than Sex In A Relationship

All the physical intimacy in a relationship won’t matter if partners do not know how to stand by each other in times of need. It is often observed that couples tend to focus more on sexual needs thereby failing to work on other areas of the relationship, the qualities that are pertinent to carry the partners through rough patches.

This is estimated to be more of a reason why some bonds do not last after the honeymoon phase. Couples learn how to satisfy physical desires, but that’s all there is to it. However, a happy and healthy relationship asks for more. It is critical to nurture and grow in such a way that will lead to a loving and long-lasting bond. So what’s more important than sex in a relationship?

  1. Respect
    Respect isn’t something that comes naturally but it is built with time. Mutual respect indicates that you accept your partner the way they are even if it means you tend to disagree with them. It honours boundaries and provides space for couples to breathe and be themselves. Moreover, respect also nurtures feelings of safety, trust, and emotional security in a relationship.
  2. Trust
    Trust is the binding factor for every difference and argument in a relationship. It allows you to believe that you can rely on your partner as they only have your best interests in their heart. Partners can be more open and accept each other’s shortcomings all while knowing that you have one another’s back. How else can you manage to survive in a relationship when you don’t have a shoulder to lean on?
  3. Communication
    Communication is a key factor in developing a healthy and lasting relationship. It opens up a door to voice your opinions, and share true feelings and expectations enabling you to be equals, and on the same page. Sometimes, couples fail to communicate out of the fear of rejection and other factors which leads to a cycle of confusion as the other person is not aware of what’s going on in your head. It may end up upsetting the people involved or worse, lead to a breakup due to constant disagreements and bickering.
  4. Loyalty
    Loyalty fosters feelings of respect, support, trust, and care in a relationship as it demands commitment and honesty. You’re aware that the partners have your back and will prioritize and protect you in desperate times of need.
  5. Time
    There’s no rule to indicate how much time is enough time to foster a healthy relationship. However, spending quality time together leaves you with positive memories and satisfaction while also making your partner experience a greater closeness. It doesn’t always mean scheduling date nights and regular vacations with your significant other, but being present for them.


Physical intimacy is a necessary ingredient for a fulfilling relationship as it boosts self-confidence, brings you closer to your, and also helps you feel pleasure. By being intimate you display all your vulnerabilities which is a powerful way to stay connected. However, sex isn’t the only important aspect of a healthy relationship. It can bring two people closer but bonds cannot thrive by being totally dependent on it.



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