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HomeLifestyleWays to Get Over a Broken Heart

Ways to Get Over a Broken Heart

A broken heart is a difficult one to fix, lament becomes the order of the day and grief takes over you wholly. This is a difficult situation for most people as they fail to come to terms with the recent development that has shattered their life. You must realise that there is no point in mourning, as what is gone is never to come back; you must however, look forward for new love. Because unlike the sentimental potpourri that you may experience, heartbreak can in fact, help you emerge as a stronger person.

As stories began with your morning sun burning bright over your love drenched soul you thought that this affair would hardly end. There cannot possibly be an end to this love. But as your sun began to set you felt the slight pang at your heart, and that pang has now transformed into a great hue of sorrow, one that will hardly go away.

Stop worrying and thinking about him/her; instead, get out stronger from the ditch and think of its upsides. It may sound easier said than done, but thinking of moving on will actually get you going.

Here’s what you need to do to heal a broken heart.

  • Forget the Sad Songs: The first thing that most heartbroken people do is lament and lament they will in a filmy fashion. They sit and listen to sentimental songs while sitting in morbid pain, and anticipation of a phone call in their eyes. Do not do that, forget George Michael, Bryan Adams and the likes, just be happy and listen to happy songs. Let’s take Jack Johnson in consideration, and groove with him in his fantastical land!
  • Erase the Memories: The memories of lost love may follow you everywhere you go. It is natural to think about your beloved when you stop by places you two used to visit. Rejections are hard to accept, but don’t let that hang in your head all the time. Put away those things that remind you of him/her; round up all such things that she had given you and throw them out or just give them away. Even if it means giving out your favourite shirt! Above all, remember to have faith in the old adage, ‘time heals all wounds’.
  • Do not be Friends Again: this is not an option; this should be dealt as sacredly as your talisman even when you would be terribly tempted to dial his/her number. You may think that there is no harm in being friends, but the truth is that it is a terrible idea, and let’s not even talk about the harms.
  • Keep Busy: The best way to steer past this period of grief is to get busy yourself and do something for your benefit. Friends are your saviours; so call them and spend time with them. If you don’t have friends to call, pick up a habit that keeps you occupied, be it sports you’ve always loved to play, the latest blockbuster you have been so eager to watch, reading a bestseller, joining a singing or music class, enrolling in a language course, learning to play a music instrument, gardening, doing household chores. This is the best time to take to them with a zest.
  • Forget Stereotypical Love: For once in your life forget the mushy love and be strong, you do not really need someone to ‘complete’ you, ‘fulfill’ you, or teach you the true meaning of life or whatever that may be. Stand up on your feet and go out alone to watch a film, have a nice brunch all by yourself, and enjoy the world around you, love is greater than your previously held belief. Kiss the world, do not fret and mourn anymore, every being is breathing, why aren’t you?
  • Learn a Lesson: This is a good time for you to understand the dynamics of love, and so you must learn from your mistakes. We do not expect you to write a hypothesis on this, but just be careful the next time you feel cupid striking you. Look before you leap.
  • Keep a journal:  If you find yourself too reserved to vent your feelings on someone, take them out on a paper. Keeping a diary can work well in your favour. In fact, you can inculcate a positive habit out of this situation in your life. The best thing about writing is that at times, a sudden insight dawns on you which can entirely change the way you look at everything.
  • Shun obsessive thinking: It is well-nigh impossible that you can simply shirk away the thought of your ex and not attach emotions to them. Remember that you might have enjoyed your time with the person but as you and your partner do not want it any longer, the affair has ended for good. This situation gives you an opportunity to identify what you need to avoid when planning on getting into the dating scene again.

You will realise that life doesn’t stop for anyone. In fact, everything becomes just fine after the break-up, the sun and the moon have not stopped to function. And you know the worst part? She is probably doing just fine and is contemplating a new romance with someone new.



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