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HomeLifestyleHealthWhat Can Couples Do To Deal With Secondary Infertility?

What Can Couples Do To Deal With Secondary Infertility?

Before assuming that you require some serious medical intervention just owing to the fact it is taking some time for you to get a positive home pregnancy test, you must keep in mind that even in the fittest and the youngest of couples, there is only about 6 to 8 per cent prospect of positively conceiving in each cycle. The below-mentioned tips can lend couples a helping hand in giving their fertility a positive push to make conception around the second time more tangible:

Try and enhance your lifestyle

  • Check if any of your habits have altered since you conceived your baby number one. For example, you must consider if your diet is still on track, or is there any room for improvement. Reduce your consumption of caffeine since too much of it is not too great for fertility. It is again time to kick the butt of your smoking habits and intake of alcohol since smoking is responsible for ageing your eggs and reduces fertility rates.
  • Mothers trying for another baby must ensure they are getting optimum sleep because skimping on slumber can totally mess with your hormones — and perhaps even your fertility. If you feel over the time any new unhealthy and unwholesome habit has made its way into your lifestyle, now is a great time to put the brakes on it. Ensure your partner also eats a healthy diet full of edibles which can up his sperm count. If you feel your partner’s lifestyle requires a little bit of fine-tuning, make sure to get him back on track, too.

Ruminate your health status

Now that you are already a mother, you must check if you have started any pills or medicines that might be meddling with conception. Also consider if there has been any alteration in your health status, check if there has been any novel long the lasting condition that’s cropped up since your first baby was born, that is impacting your fertility. Any variations to your health can also have a possibility to put a dent in your conception plans. Possibly some modest health adjustments like swapping to more fertility-friendly medication or getting your enduring health condition under control could get you a step closer to the second baby of your dreams.

Step on the weighing scale

You must have put so some additional pounds ever since you had your last baby or maybe you might have also lost a couple of pounds. To-be second-time mothers must note that your weight can majorly impact your fertility, so getting as close as possible to a healthy BMI can also facilitate in getting you closer to that second pregnancy that you are longing for.

Be upbeat about seeking medical help

Parents facing secondary infertility mostly tend to put off seeking medical help. With each passing year, your odds of conceiving reduce significantly. It is always recommended that one must seek expert help post a year of failed unprotected sex if you are under the age bracket of 35 years and post six months if you are over 35 years of age. But if you are worried earlier, don’t hesitate to speak up. If it has been just three months and you are concerned about not being able to conceive, remember it’s not too early to get checked, even though it may be untimely to treat.

Evaluate your preconception preparation

Because you have a little one to look after, it’s reasonable if you are more tired than ever. It’s not an easy task for second-time parents to dedicate as much time and energy to trying to conceive as they likely did during the first pregnancy, but it would be beneficial to take a step back at what’s exactly going on. Check if your monthly cycles are still regular, or have there been any fluctuations that might be impacting your probabilities for conception success. Have you been trying during the fertile period, if not then chances of fertility are reduced?

Create a fertility Plan

You and your partner must make a fertility road map that will summarize what you are willing to try and for roughly how long. Consider if you want to take the aid of fertility treatments like IUI or IVF or if you want to consider an egg donor. Discuss your finances that you wish to spend on the treatment based on which you can create a timeline to deal with your infertility problem.



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