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HomeLifestyleHealthWhat Happens When You Do Not Eat on Time?

What Happens When You Do Not Eat on Time?

Do you ever eat dinner later than planned because you’re working on a project? Or skip breakfast as a result of oversleeping? It shouldn’t matter as long as you refrain from bingeing later, right?

Well, perhaps not. According to studies, what you eat matters more than what you eat in terms of your health. No matter how many calories you are consuming overall, irregular eating patterns can lead to high blood pressure, weight gain, and type 2 diabetes. Still not convinced? Then continue reading. Because we’re going to look at all of the negative consequences of not eating on time or skipping meals frequently.

Things that can happen to your body when you do not eat on time:

You Might Feel Anxious

Your mental health could suffer if you go for an extended period of time without eating. According to a study, teens who missed breakfast time were more likely than those who regularly ate it to feel stressed out and depressed. When you go a long time without eating, your blood sugar levels drop, alerting your body to begin producing cortisol. In an effort to control that drop in blood sugar, cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone,” is released. The body is, however, also going into a stress response as a result. You might experience moodiness, irritability, and frazzled in addition to anxiety or depression as a result of this.

You may become disconnected from your hunger and fullness cues

Hormones produced by our bodies act as natural cues for hunger and fullness. In simple terms, when your body has had enough, leptin is the hormone that causes a decrease in appetite. Also, ghrelin causes hunger when your body requires more fuel. When you ignore them, these hormones can easily become out of whack. Your body’s signals of hunger and fullness are excellent indicators of when you need to eat. If you don’t take note of these, you won’t remember how you feel when you’re hungry and full. And this can have adverse effects on wellness that are difficult to reverse.

Your energy levels could plummet dramatically

Your energy levels won’t benefit from these extreme blood sugar swings. Just consider how miserable you are when you are hangry! Plus, glucose is the sole fuel that our brains use. And they prefer to obtain it from our daily intake of carbohydrates. Therefore, if you don’t eat on time, you can forget about getting through the rest of the day without any trouble. Prior to your next meal, your body would have very little energy. As a result, your brain will use far fewer calories while working. So, never skip a meal to work on something important.

You May Be at Risk of Nutrient Deficiencies

For a number of reasons, missing meals can result in nutritional deficiencies. First of all, ignoring your meals deprives your body of the opportunity to refuel with the dozens of vital nutrients it requires to survive. According to one study, people who bypass a meal have lower daily thiamin, niacin, and folate intakes. Those who ate on time consumed more fibre and less fat and sugar. In addition, once going too long without eating, giving in to your cravings for refined carbs temporarily fills you up. But these foods don’t have the essential nutrients your body needs to be properly nourished.

Your digestion may become extremely irregular

Not eating when you should causes nausea, diarrhoea, and even constipation, according to experts. Going too long between meals can aggravate the digestive system because it triggers a stress response similar to when you feel anxious. Your trips to the loo will become erratic as a result. And if you’re in a cycle of ignoring meal times and then binge eating, your digestion will suffer even more. Your body is completely aware of how much it is capable of handling. You can therefore regain healthy digestive habits by paying attention to those hunger and fullness cues. And also by eating plant foods high in fibre.

You may become more vulnerable to an eating disorder

Eating disorders are more likely to develop in people who skip meals or eat infrequently. The general well-being of people will suffer from all of these effects. They prevent us from living our purpose, and being fully involved in our lives. Missing meals can cause anorexia, bulimia, orthorexia, and even binge eating disorders.



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