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HomeLifestyleWhat Is A Weekend Marriage? 5 Surprising Reasons It Works For Some...

What Is A Weekend Marriage? 5 Surprising Reasons It Works For Some Couples

A weekend marriage is a living arrangement in which a couple only shares the apartment during the weekends. There can be several reasons behind this arrangement. Most often this is seen when one or both partners have jobs in different cities or regions. Due to several reasons, they might be unable or unwilling to relocate. The couple may decide to have separate homes or apartments during the week and then come together in a shared residence on weekends.

This living arrangement certainly comes with its own set of challenges. However, this can also have some benefits. Here are 5 surprising reasons a weekend marriage arrangement might work for some couples:

Getting Your Space

Perhaps the most straightforward advantage of this living arrangement is that each partner has their own space during the week. If you and your partner are someone who loves their independence and needs to have their own routines, this might work for you. Your work week apart can give you a chance to pursue your hobbies, interests, and social activities without feeling like you are neglecting your partner.

Fewer Fights

Living in close quarters with another person is always going to result in some disagreements. It is not uncommon for couples to argue about minor issues. However, this marriage can help you avoid these situations. The lesser time you spend together, the less time there is for arguments and disagreements. This can lead to a more peaceful relationship with fewer conflicts and negative emotions like resentment and bottled-up emotions. When you only see each other on weekends, it can make the time spent together more positive and memorable.

Catching Up Is Fun

The limited time spent together on weekends can be a wonderful chance to catch up on what has been happening during the week. Catching up becomes fun and exciting, as partners share all that they have spent doing in their time apart. If you want to make your time together extra fun, look into planning activities and events for the weekend. Make sure you make your partner feel loved and cherished. This can be a great opportunity to create a sense of closeness and connection.

More Surprises

The limited time together might just be what you need to have more excitement and spontaneity in the relationship. This is the perfect time to surprise your partner with impromptu dates, romantic gestures, or spontaneous activities that wouldn’t have been possible in a full-time living situation. This can help keep the relationship fresh and vibrant.

Never Taken For Granted

When couples live together all the time, it is a sad reality that a lot of them start taking each other for granted. This can happen because people assume that their partner will always be there and forget to show appreciation and affection. But with this arrangement partners realize that the time spent together on weekends is precious and are less likely to take the other for granted.



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