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HomeLifestyleHealthWhat Is Computer Vision Syndrome? Check Symptoms And Precautions

What Is Computer Vision Syndrome? Check Symptoms And Precautions

In the digital age, most of the work we do involves sitting in front of a computer screen all day long. Even recreational activities like social media and OTT keep us hooked on to our screens. While computers and smartphones have made our lives a lot easier, overexposure to such devices may also prove detrimental to our eyes. One can get affected by a category of eye-related problems collectively called digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome.

The issue includes dry, red, itchy and tearful eyes. Your eyes feel unpleasant or worn out. Your ability to concentrate can also be affected. The frequent use of computers and other digital devices is the root cause of digital eye strain. Staring at a blue screen for a long time can not only cause blurred vision but also headaches and other problems. Here are some of the symptoms of computer vision syndrome.

Blurred vision

You may often feel that something is blocking your eyesight due to overexposure to a blue screen. It feels like there are some foreign particles in the eye that are blurring your vision.

Fatigue in the eyes

Eyestrain is a common ailment that develops when your eyes become fatigued from prolonged use, such as long-distance driving or staring at screens of computers and other electronic devices. You simply feel tired of looking at something anymore and your eyes may start watering as well.


Long durations of screen time without adequate rest or sleep can harm the muscles and nerves around the eyes, resulting in headaches.

Dry eyes

If you are looking at digital screens, your frequency of blinking reduces. Staring without blinking can deplete the natural fluid in the eyes. This makes your eyes feel dry and irritated. So, take your eyes off the digital screen and give your eyes a break from time to time

Here is how you can take some precautionary measures

Follow the 20-20-20 rule

Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break from your screens. You must look at any item that is 20 feet distant during those 20 seconds. As a result, the strain will lessen, the blood flow will improve and the eye muscles will be stretched and healed.

Correct Brightness/Lighting

Adjust the brightness or lighting of the screen so that your eyes are comfortable.

Anti-glare Screen

Use an anti-glare screen to reduce glare or glare on digital screens, especially computers or tablets. This will not cause too much strain on the eyes. You can also use blue light filters.

Ergonomic setting

The computer or mobile should be placed at a proper distance (arm’s length) not only to the eyes but also to the neck and head.



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