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HomeLifestyleHealthWhy Milk is Important? Expert Advice

Why Milk is Important? Expert Advice

As people are becoming aware of this issue, strict attention is being paid to diet along with exercise to lose or control weight. Many food items that cause weight gain are being eliminated from the diet. However, this seems to have an adverse effect on health as other required nutrients are also unknowingly getting eliminated.

At the same time, many people believe that milk and dairy products lead to weight gain. As a result, the majority of people nowadays reduce or even completely skip the use of milk in their diet.

People prefer to include, oats, almonds, soy milk, in their diet instead of regular milk and dairy products. Reason? These items contain fewer calories than milk and other dairy products. Consumption of such substances can have adverse effects on the body, warns food and nutrition expert Ian Givens. He is also a professor at the Institute of Food, Nutrition, and Health at the University of Reading, England.

According to National Dietary and Nutrition Survey, 11 percent of girls between the age group of 11 to 18 have low levels of iron compared to boys of the same age group.

The study added that about 1/4 of the girls have low levels of iodine, calcium, and iron in their bodies, mainly due to the non-drinking of milk. Women are also deficient in calcium and magnesium, which are essential for bone strength.

Experts have also warned that such issues could lead to serious health conditions among women after menopause. Therefore, women and young girls should add regular milk, dairy products as well as meat and fish in their diet in moderation. A diet without proper protein and nutrients can be harmful in long run.

(Disclaimer: The health tips shared in this article are based on common practices and general knowledge. Readers are advised to consult a doctor before following them at home.)


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