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HomeLifestyleWhy People Sleep While Travelling In Cars

Why People Sleep While Travelling In Cars

Travelling can sometimes be tiresome. People often take naps on road journeys as soon as exhaustion and tiredness hits. This pattern is quite prevalent where people start their trip all excited and energetic, but gradually start to feel sleepy and exhausted. Have you ever wondered why this happens?

Well, if you were curious, you need not be no more as science has some answers for you. After due research scientists came up with some answers as to why do people tend to fall asleep while travelling.

Sleep Deprived

One reason can be sleep deprived. Many people often get too excited about the next day’s travel because of which they cannot get enough sleep. To get over the tiredness collected the day before, people tend to fall asleep.

Beds On Wheels

In addition, cars can be cozy, comfortable and warm; very similar to our beds. This is why people may feel sleepy and relaxed. In some cases, boredom takes over due to sitting in a car for long hours.

Biological Clock

Another player in this phenomenon is the biological clock that the body abides by. It means that if you are travelling in your car during the time, you are generally in bed, then it is possible that you may fall asleep.

Car or Cradle

The gentle rocking movement that happens in a car acts as a cherry on the cake and boosts our sleep to kick in hard.

White noise

When we are in a car, there is a constant humming of the engine. Sleep scientists call this white noise. This can also induce sleep in many individuals. Many parents use these humming white noises to make their babies fall asleep.

Another question may pop up as to why not everyone falls asleep in the car? The answer is that some people need more sleep than others. During some tests, scientists noticed variation in sleep requirements in kids. While some kids only need nine hours of sleep, others need as much as eleven hours to function efficiently.



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