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HomeLifestyleHealthWomen Beware! Your Lipsticks Are Cocktails Of Harmful Cancer-Causing Chemicals

Women Beware! Your Lipsticks Are Cocktails Of Harmful Cancer-Causing Chemicals

Your skin is not just the largest organ but also has the highest absorption rates. And so, whatever makeup you apply enters the bloodstream and can have detrimental effects on your overall health.

Many of the ingredients used in regular makeup stuff like lipsticks are super synthetic or packed with highly concentrated fragrances or chemicals that can trigger issues like skin sensitivity, irritation, or more intense problems.

The shiny, moisturizing, dazzle of colours not only accentuates the lips but also gives a glamorous look. However, lipsticks do come under fire for being high in harmful substances that cause severe health issues like coughing, eye irritation, wheezing, etc. In many extreme cases, according to doctors, people have also been diagnosed with cancer.

Why can your lipstick be harmful?

According to studies, lipsticks contain a noxious mixture of petroleum-based dangerous chemicals, many of which are not even tested for safety. These chemicals are usually absorbed through the lips and every time you lick them, even if unknowingly, the chemicals are ingested. 1

Lips are the most sensitive parts of your body after skin and due to the lack of hair and sweat glands, they are devoid of any natural defences. Hence, they are more prone to cuts, peel-offs, allergies, etc.

What are the ingredients used in lipsticks?

Apart from lead, a known harmful chemical that causes hypertension and heart issues, other ingredients used in most lipsticks are:


Methylparaben is a commonly used chemical in many foods, pharmaceuticals, and beauty products. It is used as a preservative to protect the product from fungal attacks. It absorbs in the skin very fast but is hardly stored in the body. The chemical, many studies say, is carcinogenic and disrupts hormones. 2

Methylparaben is banned in many countries because of a heightened risk of cancer and attacks on the endocrine system.


Polyparaben is a preservative added to lipsticks to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and mold. It helps keep the lipstick moist and oily and increases its shelf-life.

However, studies say even though it does not accumulate in the body, there are many concerns regarding the safety of polyparabens. These concerns increased due to a claimed link to cancer risk. 3


Used in many eye makeup products, lipsticks, and deodorants – aluminum causes skin irritation.

According to studies, aluminum can increase the migration of breast cancer cells, however, more research is needed on this subject. 4

Colourful dyes

These are used to colour lipsticks and make them super attractive. According to experts, a lot of lipsticks available in the markets are made with synthetic and fake dyes that are made from aluminum and petroleum products.

These dyes not just cause skin irritation but are also capable of causing deadly diseases like cancer, and even organ failure. And so, experts recommend buying lipsticks with natural dyes, including ingredients like beetroot or cocoa.

Important tips to follow

  • Avoid buying dark shades lipsticks as harmful heavy metals are darker in colour.
  • Before applying lipstick, apply a base of ghee or petroleum jelly on the lips, as it reduces the side effects
  • Local brands may be cheaper, but they can damage your lips
  • Buy lipstick from good brands
  • Always check the ingredients
  • Scrub your lips with sugar and honey to remove the pigmentation caused by lipsticks


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